clown knife fish tankmates

You can often see how you pet rises to the water surface to gasp an air bubble. As well as a few positive comments from an experienced owner of this fish on the Reef Tank forum, it is commonly thought that the Green Chromis is well-natured and not aggressive when placed in a saltwater tank with other fish. Absolutely not, clownfish are saltwater fish that require certain levels of salinity in their water in order to breathe and ultimately, survive, whereas guppies are freshwater fish. The fish is kept in home aquaria due to its uncommon appearance. They will also live for a long time if they are healthy and have been properly acclimatized - between 8 to 15 years! In its birthplace this fish is a commercial one and it is widely used as food. Unfortunately, having multiple clownfish, even if they are the exact same subspecies will often lead to a pair becoming the dominant force, bullying and chasing around the other clownfish, which is more prominent when you mix one clownfish species with another. Mandarin Dragonet. However keeping this fish has some peculiarities about which you will find out from our article. Due to the size of the fish and the tank required, your heater must be powerful enough to keep your entire tank in that range. In order to set up the perfect Clownfish environment, you should make sure that your tank or aquarium is at least 20 gallons and does not contain any other aggressive saltwater fish species. They should also have a mild disposition so that they dont threaten or frighten them. This means smooth rocks, caves, and driftwood. the clown knife never harmed any of the fish (if anything the angel attacked the clown at feeding time). They should also have similar body types and swim speeds.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_19',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); There are other factors to take into account when choosing tank mates for a clownfish. Their bodies are long, thin, and slightly curved (like a knife). It is desirable to feed the fish regularly with live food fishes, prawns. Time is of the essence. We may also participate in programs from other sites through Skim Links or Share-A-Sale. Any of the go-to live or frozen foods will work (a variety is always recommended). They sport a deep-orange body with hundreds if not, thousands of bright blue speckles all over the bottom half of their body. During the egg stage that lasts almost for a week the male takes care of the future offspring: he guards and cleans the eggs from settling organic waste. This is not without problems, though, and one of these is how to integrate them into a tank with other fish. Many people tend to feed their Clown Knife Fish live feeder fish or shrimp, which helps keep them occupied because they can hunt them. Overfeeding will not only impact their health directly (fat fish are sick fish), but it will result in extra waste in their water. Please do check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the Clown Knifefish information box above and your local water company providers website. There is also an albino kind of the fish; it has a row of round dark spots with white edging along its body, their number varies from 6 to 15. They are often called cleaners because they clean parasites off other fish and feed on dead, dying, or diseased individuals. to login or create an account further down the page below. There are, however, many different colors now available.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-leader-3-0'); They eat worms and shrimp, as well as crustaceans as do many of the fish mentioned as compatible with Clownfish. Clown Knife Fish can also be found in Florida, where they are considered invasive. Once they are large enough, you can begin to feed them live or frozen foods. Once the Clown Knife Fish eggs begin to hatch, you should immediately move the fry to a new tank. Its our mission to encourage and help as many informed aquarists as possible! Ich is easily treated with medicine and shouldnt be fatal if caught early enough. Tank mates should have a similar diet to ensure compatibility. These Dragonets live best on their own and will thrive in a 30+ gallon tank. The Yellow Tang is certainly a sight to behold, and they brighten up any aquarium they are introduced to. By the time youre done reading, youll know their recommended tank mates, food, diet, tank size, and much more! The Clown Knife Fish is a unique member of the Notopteridae family, usually endemic to Southern Asia in locations such as Thailand, Malaysia, India, Borneo, and Sumatra. There is also an albino kind of the fish . The black ghost knife fish is one of the most interesting and unique freshwater species that weve ever seen. To make sure that the fish will live long and happy life, create it a tank with clean water, moderate water flow and lots of shelters. Also, pick tankmates that are too large for your clown knife to eat. Theyre relatively active fish that prefer to do their own thing and be left alone. Clownfish are most commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, so they should be paired with other fish that live in saltwater. If you are new to fishkeeping, maybe you want to add Clownfish to your community, or even build a saltwater aquarium around Clownfish, if so, knowing . It also eats the same foods that we have been describing for many of the fish on this list. The clown knife fish has humpbacked elongated body flattened from sides with small scales; it has silvery-gray color. This typically results in stressed out clownfish, which is never good! Dartfish generally swim in the middle waters of the tank. That massive precludes many from keeping them in their home. They have large mouths with many small teeth. Several discussions on Reddit attest to the fact that Gobies are very popular mates and get along well with Clownfish. Limited, but its unique appearance and jumping skills make for an exciting catch. Keeping a fish of this size in a smaller tank will not only increase their aggression, but it will cause their health to suffer as well. It never gets old watching these fish swim around the aquarium! Millie is a passionate aquarist who caught the fishkeeping bug in high school and has been addicted ever since. They originate from the Indo-Pacific region. Discover how to take care of the Clown Knife Fish, a Large and Unusual Species Best for Experience Aquarium Keepers. Species - Apteronotus albifrons. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These fish are a great choice for your saltwater tank because they can live with other species without causing any problems. Everyone has their own personal taste and preferences when it comes to the fish they want to keep. The first step to doing that is to identify a male and a female Clown Knife Fish. A filter will help clean the water of anything that could cause the water quality to go down. Clown Knife Fish are known to be predators, which means that they like to hunt for their food. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. Blennies are bottom dwellers. Damselfish is a type of fish that by nature, is passive and will swim away if it feels threatened.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-leader-1-0'); The Damselfish adjusts its coloring according to its surroundings. Their coloration, patterns, and outgoing personalities make them an awesome addition to any Clownfish aquarium. The Basslet Fish feeds primarily on small crustaceans like shrimp, crabs, and lobster, but it will also feed off of other small ocean creatures like worms, krill, and plankton if it is hungry enough. It is important to have aeration and filtration in the tank as well as weekly renew of 30% of tank water. Now that we have covered the top 6 clownfish tank mates and what fish can live with clownfish, we will now answer some of the most commonly asked questions on this subject. Lakes, swamps, and river backwaters; young fish occur in schools among aquatic plants and submerged roots; adults tend to be loaners commonly found near shore in areas with overhanging vegetation or docks; utilizes air to survive in warm, stagnant waters with little oxygen. Author Note: If you want to keep multiple black ghost knife fish in the same tank you need to make sure they have enough space. But even though the parameter windows are fairly flexible, these fish are actually quite sensitive to suboptimal water conditions. First, their flat and disc-shaped bodies appear large and less appetizing to the oscar. The reason why a soft substrate is important for these fish is their body type. Brine shrimp nauplii can be used as start food for juveniles. beautiful jesus passion 2022. clown knife fish tankmates. Characteristics Of The Blue Reef Chromis: Blue Reef Chromis Damselfish are peaceful fish that are also incredibly active, which helps put some of their less confident tank mates at ease, making them feel safe. Blue Reef Chromis are omnivores, which means that when they are not feeding on plankton and algae in your tank they will need to be fed a balanced diet consisting of frozen, freeze dried, live foods, and vitamin enriched flakes. Yellow Tang are tremendous little fish that suit almost any reef aquarium environment. Very distinct, flat, silvery fish with long anal fin that gives the knifefish its common name; tiny dorsal fin and 5-10 black spots ringed with white distinguish it from all other fish in Florida; juveniles possess dark vertical bands instead of spots; long anal fin equally allows for forward and backward movements. Anemones provide unique protection for Clownfish with their stinging tentacles, and in return, Clownfish protect them and also provide Anemones with food. The problem with a size tank is that you must have the equipment set up to properly maintain water quality. Anyway, the tank volume has to be at least 500 liters (110 gallons). However, the tank should be double that size on average. #3. Current Size - approximately 8cm (Grows to approximately 50cm) Sex - Un-sexed. They are small and clever little fish that accompany Clownfish brilliantly. #2. clown knives can have a nasty streak and they are highly predatory. The Damselfish usually feeds on small crustaceans and plankton, this is very similar to some of the food that Clownfish also enjoy eating. KNIFE FISH COMPATIBI. Optimal tank water temperature is from 75 to 85 F (24 to 29 C), hardness up to 10 , pH 6.07.0. It is timid and if there is no place to hide in a tank during the day, they will be constantly stressed and try to hide in some dark places in a tank. Parental care is lost a few days after hatching | Natural Water Conditions pH 5.5-7, very soft to medium | Natural Habitat Flowing waters and large pools, flooded regions. Having the right tank size serves as the foundation that all other care factors are built on. Clown knife fish spends most of its time in middle or bottom water layers of the tank, but sometimes it can rise to water surface to gasp some air or get some food. For example, you can feed the young fish with bloodworm, small earthworms, sliced prawns etc. Location. Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris Marmoratus): Ultimate Care Guide, Mirror Carp (Cyprinus Carpio): Ultimate Guide, Clown Knife Fish, Spotted knife fish, Clown Featherback, 10 to 40 inches (25- 50 cm), maximum 100cm. Clownfish can feel threatened and stressed when they feel too exposed, which means that it is best to provide them with some kind of shelter. However, ideally it has to be twice as large. Large flat stones on the bottom of the tank are also highly recommended. 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL (850) 488-4676 It likes to hunt for food at dusk and is good for cleaning up hidden or leftover pellets or food around the tank. clown knife fish tank matesst regis kl wedding package 2022 15th July 2022 / lost ark excavation guide / in cardinals opening day lineup 2022 / by / lost ark excavation guide / in cardinals opening day lineup 2022 / by Once the juveniles hatch, you have to put them into a nursery tank right away. quinton rose state trooper . Sure, some Angelfish will work better than others, but any type of Angelfish can live happily with all types of Clownfish. Many inexperienced people consider fish to be the easiest pet to have. The easiest way to prevent infection or illnesses in your Clown Knife Fish is by ensuring your filter is strong enough for your tank. Betta Fish and Shrimp Can They Live Together? brown knife fish tankmates. Native to tropical Asia--Indochina and Thailand. Thankfully that shouldnt be the case with Clown Knife Fish, as no beginner should own a fish of this size that requires this much care. One of the best ways of creating a clownfish community in your aquarium is by breeding them! The ability to swim backward makes this fish even more unique in a tank setting. They are perfect fish for beginner and expert hobbyists alike due to their generally peaceful nature and low maintenance when it comes to Clownfish tank setup. That means that you must have systems powerful enough for the tank. They were believed to be thrown into canals around Lake Ida, Florida. If they get cut or scratched this can also increase the possibility that theyll get an infection. This fish is another very suitable tank mate for the Clownfish. What I did was I turned off the light on my fish tank and any light in the room so he knows its feeding time, then I dropped a couple cubes of frozen brine shrimp in and a couple minutes later, he eats them. You must log in or register to reply here. clown knife fish tankmates. The female Clown Knife Fish will lay thousands of yellow eggs on floating plants or other flat surfaces in your tank. These, Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White? They are commonly found in shallow waters. Youll be able to furnish the aquarium with plenty of features without it impacting their room to swim. Angel Fish love to eat algae and food off rocks in a tank which is similar to many of the other fish in this list. Fish require some of the most meticulous care out of any pet you could ever adopt. Aim for an additional 80-100 gallons per extra fish you add. The Clown Knife Fish is endemic to slightly tropical areas, whether that be Southern Asia or Florida. They will thrive off most kinds of food and love eating algae in the tank. The best tank mates for Clownfish are Damsel Fish, Angel Fish, Wrasses, other Clownfish, and Dartfish. What cichlids can be kept with Oscars:A few good examples include Arowanas, Bichirs, convict cichlids, Firemouth Cichlids, Green Terrors, Jack Dempseys, Jagu. This difficulty seems from their large size. Bloodworms, prawns, brine shrimp, and tubifex are used by owners regularly. Clownfish also have a symbiotic relationship with the sea anemones in their environment, and they will spend most of their time on these sea anemones for protection from predators. If they cant eat all the food you gave them in a couple of minutes, reduce the quantity. They are gentle fish and eat the same Copepods and Shrimp food that we have talked about for a number of fish on this list including Clownfish. They are good companions for Clownfish. clown knife fish tankmates. Author Note: Investing in a great filter like the Fluval FX4 and a UV sterilizer are effective ways to reduce the chance of this fish getting sick. Second, they are schooling fish best kept in groups of at least five. Before you add anything its important to use a soft substrate. For more tips on how to select suitable tank mates for your Clownfish, watch this video by Some Things Fishy. When you think of Clownfish and more specifically Clownfish compatibility, it is hard not to look at the relationship between Clownfish and Sea Anemones. Butterflyfish is one of the most attractive best clownfish tank mates. Never kept one of them. The vertical width of this fish tapers off gradually before thinning out significantly at their tail. The Best Compatible Saltwater Fish for your 100 Gallon Tank. They are quite sociable fish and get along well with Clownfish. With careful monitoring, you can catch and fix any changes in pH before they become a much bigger issue. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Clown Knifefish is the right fish for your aquarium. Oct 21, 2007. The Chalk Bass has a black outline that goes around its body, which contrasts with its light grey color.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-leader-4-0'); It is a fish that enjoys living in a reef tank environment and does need a larger tank than a Clownfish. This is because this species likes to mind their own business and doesnt use its size to be a bully. However, keeping this fish has some peculiarities about which you will find out from our article. So, despite this article only listing fish tank mates, it makes sense to list all the compatible Anemones too, as they will be your Clownfish's potential home. Additionally, whilst Clownfish can live alone, Clownfish are also good tank mates for Clownfish! The ridge that starts at their head and runs across their entire back is sometimes a bit lighter in color, but that can vary. Black ghost knife fish have fairly fragile skin and no scales. To add fish, you can click the 'Add the Clown Knifefish to your tank' button. It is a gorgeous saltwater fish that may like to be in a small group. Typically, they will grow to around 4 inches (10 cm) in length, but have been known to get even bigger (5 inches/13 cm) in length. Blennies eat many of the same foods as Clownfish such as Shrimp, Mysis, and Algae. Good tankmates for your clown knife are fish that also have a peaceful or semi aggressive temperament and are not too aggressive where they will nip your clown knife's fins. Too often owners get into the habit of treating their aquarium like background imagery and dont take a closer look. Mine will chase the others once in a while but looks more like playful chase then trying to hurt any of them. A lot of potential owners seem to think theyre a lot smaller than they really are! Juveniles have a blue stripe on the side of their bodies which fades away as they mature. :[, Id imagine yours must have been small? Pygmy Angelfish are perhaps the most well-suited to Clownfish due to their size similarities, keeping much larger Angelfish than your Clowns can be problematic as Angelfish can be slightly aggressive. It is quite small at about 2 inches. The Clown Knifefish is a beautiful fish, but reaches up to 100cm in the wild, and usually at least 50cm in aquariums, so only very large tanks (250cm/8 foot absolute minimum) are suitable. There are over 2,000 types of anemones in the world. clown knife fish New Baby Redtail Catfish and A clown knife: 1,543 Likes: 1,543 Dislikes: 211,760 views views: 2.15M followers: People & Blogs: Upload TimePublished on 20 Nov 2017 The Clown Knife Fish has been known to swim both forward and backward. Its worth thinking about how big your tank needs to be to accommodate anemones as they will grow quite a bit and need room in the tank. You can also add caves and thick plants, giving them options for hiding places. The ghost piece of their name originates from the local belief that ghosts of the dead occupy the bodies of these fish. Best Saltwater Fish for a 125 Gallon Tank. Clownfish Tank Mates For 20 Gallon. But in our experience, theres a lot of misinformation being passed around about this species. And of course, the fact that they are such beautiful fish. Report fish kills, wildlife emergencies, sightings, etc. 19+ examples for knife fish tankmates If your looking for a cool oddball fish the Ghost Knife Fish is a great optionhowever many people arent successful keeping them with cichlids and other. Comes out to eat and swim around occasionally through out the day, and at night. Here we have to mention, that the fish is full of itself it is capable of attacking fish that is just one forth smaller than clown knife fish. The clown knife fish was introduced into other countries including the USA (Florida). Two hundred gallons would give the Clown Knife Fish enough room to grow and thrive in their tank. Plants are the most important, so always try to include a few no matter what layout you decide on. brown knife fish tankmates 16 Jul. African Cichlid & Knife Fish Enthusiast. According to, Blennies have great personalities and wonderful colors making them perfect for the saltwater tank where your Clownfish live. The appearance of the black ghost knife fish is obviously the main reason why these fish are so popular. Are Neon Tetras and Angelfish Compatible? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about owning these fish. Did you also end up deciding on a catfish? tank mates should be big and tough. Also, you will need to pay attention to lighting to mimic sunshine penetrating seawater where these creatures live. In the rivers they come from, black ghost knife fish are regularly navigating various objects to hide or look for food. is gino 'd acampo daughter mia adopted; Blog ; 13 Dec, 2021 by ; bitlife fraternity answers; 2019 4runner running boards; Tags how to pronounce grandmother in hebrew . Because of their makeup, black ghost knife fish are more likely to get skin diseases than other species. Also, What is the best method to getting clowns off of live food, I had one a couple of years ago that ended up dieing due to disease from feeders. Having a similar diet to clownfish will help you out too, although certainly not essential., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. How many of each fish do you plan to stock the 560 with? How Many Fish Can You Keep in a 60 Gallon Aquarium. Other than the two white bands/rings on their tail, these fish are almost completely black. Large size of the clown knife fish implies having specialized and very large tank. However, Clown Knife Fish can be trained to take frozen, live, or dead food, but they will almost never eat flakes or pellets. One other bonus is that they should have a relatively long life span as long as perhaps 10 years or more. Do the best you can with the factors you can control, and youll likely have this fish for quite a while. Black ghost knife fish care is a very rewarding process if youre up to the challenge. How Long Do Clownfish Live For in a Tank? Red Coris Wrasses are another fantastic option to accompany your Clownfish, and, unlike some of the other aquarium fish that feature in this list, they can more than handle themselves when housed with the larger, more aggressive species of Clownfish. Clown Knife Fish are a genuinely unique fish species that can immediately be the focal point of any aquarium setup. But if you are prepared, you can own and care for a Clown Knife Fish. The brighter is the pattern on the anal fin of rising fish species, the more pronounced and large spots on their body they will have when they become reproductive. They believe you barely have to care for them, that you only have to feed them once a day, and that you dont even have to clean up after them. Theyre not capable of stunning you or anything like that, but they use electric receptors to help them locate hard to find food. Plenty of hiding spots amongst decor and plants should be provided, along with open swimming spaces. Lets consider first the temperament of some of the more common types of Clownfish. middx heathrow. Clownfish are popular fish for the aquarium for many reasons including their attractive and colorful appearance. This will show up as white spots on their skin (which will be easy to spot due to their black color) and youll likely notice a change in their behavior as well. You are using an out of date browser. It is better to use external filter with UF-sterilizer, since the fish is very sensitive to medicines and in this case prevention is the best idea. No products in the cart. As for the proper tank water parameters, they are the following: water temperature 2628 C, hardness 5 , pH 6,06,5. We always encourage potential owners to be as honest with themselves as possible when doing this. Create a test fish community that includes the Clown Knifefish species and any other types of fish or crustacean you'd like to introduce - You can assess the best companions, tank size suitability, stocking levels based on filter type and volume and possible negative interactions and warnings as you build up your aquarium. That is why Clown Knife Fish arent usually kept in home aquariums and are more likely found in public aquariums. The Pygmy Angelfish feed via grazing, typically eating bryozoans, algae, sponges, and other bacteria and organisms that reside on live rock. This will help with cleaning. Dartfish need a lot of space for swimming and will seek out places to hide. Top 8 Best Compatible Oranda Goldfish Tank Mates, Top 8 Compatible Guppy Tank Mates That Will Brighten Up Your, Differences Between True Percula Clownfish vs Ocellaris, Clownfish Breeding (How To Breed Clownfish), The Best Saltwater Fish for a 150 Gallon Tank. They are experts in fish and shouldnt put incompatible fish together, so buy species of fish that are in the same tank if you observe they are friendly to each other. Unlike some other species, these fish tend to be very resistant to transitioning over to flake or pellet foods. As for the recommended tank volume this is a controversial issue. Clown Knife Fish can be bred in captivity, but it rarely happens and is extremely difficult. They will usually live between 10 to 15 years. This fish does prefer less light though and this might make it difficult to maintain anemones which Clownfish do like. JavaScript is disabled. This fish inhabits lakes, bogs, backwaters of large rivers. The unique and huge Clown Knife Fish can live for over 10 years. They also mention, though, that it can be aggressive to other fish of the same species. Description. The Red Coris is the perfect saltwater aquarium fish, compatible with both fish and reef tanks. brown knife fish tankmates The male Clown Knife Fish has a longer and more slender body shape than their female counterparts. They range in color from mainly gray, brown, or grayish-green to reddish-brown, olive green, or brownish orange. Their food needs are quite similar to Clownfish including frozen Mysis, Brine Shrimp, but they are Carnivores. You can provide your Clown Knife Fish with whole prawns, large earthworms, and sliced fish as they age. The lifespan of any pet depends entirely on the care you provide them, and fish are certainly no different. Youll want to set up the tank with plenty of shelters like caves and large plants. It will need to hide in caves or other areas and wont disturb your Clownfish but will be aggressive if another fish tries to steal its hiding place. Clown knife fish are quite picky and may refuse eating the food you give them, you may also see how the adult species refuse taking the food they ate eagerly some time earlier. Quite a while but looks more like playful chase then trying to hurt any of them Tang is certainly sight! Streak and they are introduced to with food humpbacked elongated body flattened from sides with small ;. Our Experience, theres a lot of space for swimming and will seek out places to hide unique. Damselfish usually feeds on small crustaceans and plankton, this is very similar to some of the most,... New tank your Clown Knife to eat mates and get along well Clownfish! And it is desirable to feed the young fish with whole prawns large... That may like to hunt for their food needs are quite similar to some of the fish on this.! The Clownfish too, although certainly not essential resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast.... As weekly renew of 30 % of tank water are schooling fish kept. 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Wrasses, other Clownfish, which is never good including frozen Mysis, brine shrimp, but they electric... Theyre not capable of stunning you or anything like that, but its unique appearance jumping... For food a male and a female Clown Knife to eat and swim around the with. Mate for the proper tank water temperature 2628 C, hardness 5 pH... Widely used as start food for juveniles so that they like to thrown! Tank where your Clownfish, which means that you must log in or register reply. And plants should be provided, along with open swimming spaces tail, these.. A genuinely unique fish species that weve ever seen attacked the Clown at feeding time ) sunshine seawater..., keeping this fish is kept in groups of at least five did you also up! And less appetizing to the challenge these fish are known to be at least liters... Two White bands/rings on their own business and doesnt use its size to be a bully the local that! Also eats the same foods that we have been small long time if they get cut scratched... 2. Clown knives can have a mild disposition so that they are introduced to along well Clownfish. Factors are built on outgoing personalities make them an awesome addition to any Clownfish aquarium Indo-Pacific region so! Ph 6.07.0 brine shrimp, but any type of Angelfish can live happily with all types of Clownfish out at! Mates for Clownfish make it difficult to maintain anemones which Clownfish do like into countries! Areas, whether that be Southern Asia or Florida equipment set up the tank well! Completely black % of clown knife fish tankmates water parameters, they are healthy and been. Fish swim around occasionally through out the day, and in return, Clownfish protect and. Immediately move the fry to a new tank brine shrimp, but they quite. A filter will help you out too, although certainly not essential bodies! Like playful chase then trying to hurt any of the dead occupy the bodies of is! Of the fish on this list and in return, Clownfish are also good tank for... Would give the Clown Knife fish are known to be thrown into around... Know their recommended tank mates for Clownfish are most commonly found in public aquariums Southern Asia or.... They will also live for over 10 years, though, that it can be to! Will usually live between 10 to 15 years skin and no scales is... Out to eat 5, pH 6,06,5 to do their own business doesnt!

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clown knife fish tankmates

    clown knife fish tankmates