gunslinger build outward

This Energy regeneration is essential to you being able to do your rotation. This ability resets the cooldowns of all the abilities I have mentioned in this section thus far plus Pulse Detonator. Bag of Tricks works great as your emergency panic button, but if youre out of DCDs and about to take a hit that youd rather have a DCD for, do not hesitate to activate this ability. Gunslinger - Chaos Dungeon/Cube Build . Ranged DPS in general tend to have longer cooldowns on their interrupts, than Melee, so if theres something specific that needs repeated interrupting, a Melee DPS or tank will be assigned to it, though this doesnt mean you cant interrupt things as well. You can still use non-rotational abilities that are on the GCD even before its time for the Charged Burst grouping, though its less ideal since the gap will get moved for the next cycle to before Penetrating Rounds instead. Unfortunately, you cant really use this rotationally, so unless theres a phase where the entire group is only AoEing, its best to hold off on using it and see if other classes rotational AoE and DoT spread can take care of it or switch to Dirty Fighting or Saboteur if you know them so that you can do rotational AoE. Aside from damage #s its completely irrelevant what pistol im using with it. In PvE, this will generally only be used for specific mechanics since most things youd care about stunning are immune. Ive had an amazing time over the years and cant wait to see whats in store for the years to come. The 2 charges give you a lot more flexibility with your burst since you can save them up without losing sustained DPS until after you have both charges available. You can learn more about Legendary Items in SWTOR 7.0 from my dedicated guide. The reason for this is that you dont have to change the way you gear in order to benefit from the effect. I will not be writing out ability descriptions and I will only be transcribing the components of discipline passives that directly relate to the ability and rotation. It is essential that it is channeled on cooldown. Mixing all three bullet imbues with powerful dagger skills makes this build deadly at any range and able to control and disable enemies with repeated stuns and high burst damage. Stringing together attacks with the relatively low AP cost of pistol shots is the best way to deal maximum damage. In this video I showcase my Paladin Build featuring the unique sword called Brand. Refraction Point also has a very nice bonus, since it causes Penetrating Rounds to deal damage to multiple enemies and Penetrating Rounds applies the armor debuff, this tactical allows you to provide the armor debuff to multiple enemies at the same time, which is super rare. A strong Gunslinger build is all about VATS. When Burst Volley is available, you will not see a gap in that cycle since youll be using Burst Volley before you would observe it. Either pick a different option when it can happen (and your raid lead may ask you to stop taking it if it continues to be a problem) or make sure that youre greater than 10m away from those enemies, which isnt always possible. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Casted)This is the weakest of your rotational abilities, though since youll be using it more than twice as often as your true heavy hitters, it still accounts for a considerable amount of your total damage output. Hunker Down also provides CC immunity. One final thing to note, you do not need bullets for this setup. Stay behind the boss and cause havoc. Its not the end of the world to use this ability for movement though since there isnt a lot of damage you can do when out of cover anyway, so sometimes you just have to give up the GCD. A lot of the time things are immune to being knocked back and when they arent immune, its better that theyre all grouped up to be killed as fast as possible. The teleporting animation is significantly longer for Hideout because theres an actual teleportation animation you have to do prior to teleporting but after pressing the button rather than Phase Walk where you just wave your hand and pop up somewhere else instantaneously. Trickshot has 2 procs that are relevant to your rotation: Recoil ControlFiring Charged Burst twice in a row, firing Quickdraw or Aimed Shot once, or completing a Penetrating Rounds channel now finishes the cooldown on Trickshot. Best Sharpshooter Gunslinger Builds in 7.0. Here are all your options: Since we dont have access to moddable gear, well be completely dependent on augments to balance out the stats BioWare gives us. The 3 seconds of Hunker Down after using Hightail It synergizes really well with the Heads Up ability tree buff. Aim for clustered enemies. The Relic of Serendipitous Assault is generically good, but the Relic of Devastating Vengeance is better specifically for the Burst and Versatility Build. Peacemaker Gunslinger Guide for Lost Ark. The concept of this build is simple, Cannon Gun (58 dmg, 100 Impact, Confusion on hit) + shatter (1 iron scrap, no cooldown, Pain on hit), will increase your Opportunist Stab damage by x4, there is craftable dagger that deals a total of 40 dmg, 50 impact and Extreme Poison on hit, that should be around 150 to 250 damage with skills while buffed. This ability can also be used in the gap slot for some rotational AoE, though make sure at least one target gets hit by the entire thing. Since Defense Screen has such a short cooldown and is relatively weak, this ability wont really protect you from a whole lot on its own and its much better served just keeping your health high and mitigating minor spikes so that your health will be higher when the actual damage comes. (Yes, I know Arsenal also offers the armor debuff, but that spec is in such bad shape, I dont consider it to be fully functional at the moment). This means your average AoE RDT is only 20% compared to most other disciplines which have 100% uptime on 30% AoE RDT. It also has a full list of all currently available Legendary Implants for all classes. To be clear, Operative / Scoundrel DPS is by no means required and is not the only Combat Style that provides the DPS debuffs used by Sharpshooter, they are just the most efficient and allow greater flexibility in terms of what the other group members can bring. Thanks to the Agitating Energies tactical, this ability accounts for a gigantic proportion of your total damage output. This means that the cover bar isnt really useful anymore, so feel free to turn it off in the settings (User Interface > General > uncheck Enable Cover Bar). This build can kill groups of trash quicker in solo content, but you miss out on feeling like a Gunslinger. If a tank is telling you to stop DPS or hold off for a few seconds because they cant keep aggro, dont listen to them, theyre the one that doesnt know the proper way to keep aggro. Make sure you place all of these abilities on your bar in an order that makes sense to you. With a bit of optimization the Gunslinger is easy to play and produces a reliable stream of damage against nearly any enemy. If a tank is out of defensive cooldowns and needs another its okay to use. Quickdraw does not have any additional procs or discipline passives associated with it that are relevant to your rotation that I havent already mentioned. It also makes Dexterity-based skills like Stealth a viable choice, allowing you to also serve as your party's Scout. Its still necessary to activate Cool Head ASAP if you find yourself below 45 Energy, but its less optimal to wait that long if you can help it. Right now, Sharpshooter is one of the best and most authentic specs in the game for solo content. Usually, the raid lead will tell you when they want it or a tank will ask for it, but if you see someone getting hit by a bunch of enemies, chuck this at them. In actual raids, youll probably need to apply it more often. From the perspective of the highest burst, the second option is best, though from my limited testing, I didnt see a noticeable difference between the two from the perspective of sustained DPS. How mana do you need? Unless theres a mechanic that prevents you from dealing damage or forces you to stop DPSing, you should not stop DPSing. There are three different combat modes for three different weapons. A lot of the time, adds just dont survive that long. If youre having to use Sweeping Gunfire consistently during the fight and there isnt a huge single-target DPS check, definitely use this tactical, but single-target DPS checks almost always take priority over AoE DPS checks. Be careful not to activate Smugglers Luck when you already have the buff since activating Smugglers Luck will just refresh the buff rather than give a second stack. This is your interrupt. The only reason I mention this proc is because it will show up on your bar. In addition, you can still teleport while stunned, so even if the button is grayed out, it will still work. Contents 1 Summary 2 Other Useful Skills 3 Full Build Details 3.1 Overview 4 Combos 5 See Also Summary Other Useful Skills Infuse Frost Infuse Wind Infuse Blood Elemental Discharge Focus Possessed (skill) Cool (skill) Full Build Details Overview Remember to pre-cast even if you dont have the Charged Aim proc from Charged Burst. This ability technically does not do any AoE damage, but it will only ever be used in AoE situations so I am going to talk about it here. The goal is for the initial 25 Energy to get you back up to the maximum Energy regeneration rate and supply you with enough Energy for your next GCD so you dont fall back into the lower regeneration rate bracket. If you arent in cover, you will run out of Energy. Take as much mana as you feel you need, I ended up taking 3 ticks for 75 total and often feel I have more than enough with the regen from food, but your experience may vary. Gunslingers have a slightly shorter cooldown duration on their hard stun than most other classes. That's all there is to it. As per usual, if you found this video useful please leave a like, comment, or subscribe. While it may not be immediately obvious, the entire spec is set up around doing this. 3 choices which are just old Utility effects. Activating Smugglers Luck twice in a row will just refresh the duration of the buff. Without them, the build no longer accomplishes its primary function. This page serves as a resource for players to share builds with other members of the community. Get as much as you can as fast as you can. This effect ends when you leave cover. The ability tree buffs that arent listed as Build Essentials can be changed as needed without compromising the integrity of the build, though I have included a full set of default choices that will be most consistently helpful in accomplishing what the build sets out to do. In addition, since your Burst Volley utility resets the cooldown on Penetrating Rounds, you end up getting to use it back to back, resulting in even more Vital Shot ticks. Surrender is used at this point because the tanks AoE Taunt will likely be wearing off soon, so this is when you will cause your threat drop to reduce your threat by the greatest amount. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Hideout isnt always useful as a movement ability, but its incredible when you can use it. These choices are almost always the same for all disciplines. The Cannon Pistol's single available enchant pairs perfectly with our build, providing a small frost and mana boost. Please note that for Gunslingers, Thermal Grenade only deals AoE damage to Standard and Weak enemies, which you usually dont see at all in raids. The earlier you activate it, the earlier youll be able to activate it again. Rondel Dagger enchanted with Unsuspecting Strength becomes a contender for best dagger in the game, and easily the best choice for physical. Death . The 15% increased armor penetration for 10 seconds is only equivalent to a 5.25% damage increase for your weapon attacks (so everything but Vital Shot and Bombing Run). When one of the tanks or healers just died, pop it instantly, especially if a tank just died, because theres a good chance that the boss is about to hit someone else or the group really hard. Marked targets take 5% more damage from Ranged weapon attacks. Can I finish this cast before I need to move? Honestly, I wouldnt specifically cater to Sharpshooters needs at all. Sharpshooters TouchCharged Burst grants Sharpshooters Touch, which increases the armor penetration and damage dealt by your next Trickshot by 10%. As a movement ability, Hightail It does help you cover a fair bit of distance, but it does cost a GCD to use, so it is best used when youre out of range of the boss so you couldnt deal damage anyway or after your other movement abilities have been used. Its about as strong as Saber Ward, Deflection, and Explosive Fuel + Oil Slick, which are the strongest DCDs tanks have against adds, though it doesnt last quite as long. How can I maximize my uptime? This build is super fun for solo content since it enables you to one-hit kill Standard enemies with Aimed Shot autocrits, making you really feel like a Gunslinger. Endonae's expertise and years of experience allow him to deliver great content for the whole SWTOR community. Unless you get hit by a one-shot mechanic (which you shouldnt), you should never let yourself die while your Medpac is still available. Be sure to pay attention when something is stunnable though, because that often means youre intended to stun it. I dont know why they decided it would make sense from a lore perspective for a Tech attack to apply a Ranged debuff. With the Dodge Stance ability tree buff, Gunslingers get effectively Dodge back. The most important component of this passive is the pushback protection and in general, this is the most important reason to be in cover at all. The spec is designed such that you use the other two groupings of abilities once each before the third becomes available again. I prefer Agitating Energies, but you could use Refraction Point or even B-0 Differential Targeting System (PvP tactical) if you prefer. Technically its okay to use this if you genuinely think you will die if you dont knock the enemies back right now, but honestly I think the better play is to just let yourself die and then throw a tantrum about why the tanks didnt keep the adds off of you and why you didnt get enough heals, though make sure youve used your threat drop and all your DCDs already. In case you arent familiar, pushback is when the progress of your cast is pushed back as a result of taking damage. Its important to get as much damage as possible while all of your damage boosts are available to maximize their impact. It does not matter if you use it on cooldown or only immediately after a Penetrating Rounds grouping. (Tech/Elemental/Periodic/AoE/Casted)This ability technically deals about the same amount of DPS as Charged Burst, though thanks to its longer cast time, higher Energy cost, and the fact that it gets placed on the ground, it isnt typically used rotationally. Youre able to use it immediately after every single Penetrating Rounds, Aimed Shot, or Quickdraw, or after 2 Charged Bursts in a row. Build Essentials: Relentless Shots Flourish Burst Energy Barrels Ballistic Redistribution Locked and Loaded Legendary Improved Targeting Legendary Agitating Energies Tactical Item. I am recommending the Advanced Kyrprax Proficient Stim, Advanced Kyrprax Medpac, and Advanced Kyrprax Attack Adrenal. Sweeping Gunfire benefits from 1 discipline passive in Sharpshooter: Accurized BlastersIncreases the critical chance of Sweeping Gunfire by 15% and its critical damage dealt by 30%. This passive is a bit buggy. If you come across something you believe I havent considered, like a build, rotation, or opener, that performs equal to or better than what I recommend, please tell me about it in the comment. One of the ability choices tends to be an offensive cooldown (OCD). What started as a basic Rogue abusing Shatter Bullet evolved into this monstrosity of a frost/physical burst build once I picked up Frost Bullet. Your email address will never be shared or sold. Using any damaging ability is better than just standing there not doing anything. Build Essentials: Hotshot Flourish Burst Lucky Draw Lucky Thoughts Locked and Loaded Legendary Improved Targeting Legendary Agitating Energies Tactical Item Devastating Vengeance Relic. Even if the attack looks like a single-target attack, theres a good chance that its still considered AoE damage. Only Iron Scraps and mana. We will cover the Peacemaker Engraving in a later guide update. If you want me to try other builds don't be shy to comment or dm me. This build is for those that want to be able to use any rifle or pistol weapon. This cooldown is unique to Sharpshooter Gunslingers. Charged Burst will typically be used twice in a row or when the gap in your rotation comes, youll use it once. Be sure to take advantage of this proc whenever you have to use Below the Belt since it mitigates the DPS loss from having to spend a GCD to stun something. BioWare will likely be making balance changes throughout the first few patches, so be sure to check back to this guide after each update. Gunslinger Meta Pvp Deathmatch SP: 340 2. In order to deal maximum damage, Sharpshooter requires 2 other DPS debuffs: Sharpshooter is extremely independent when it comes to DPS debuffs. It is highly unlikely that a fight will last long enough where this delay will be enough to where it will result in missing out on a use of the Adrenal. If everyones health is getting low or theres a heal check in the current phase, do not hesitate to use your Medpac if you can take full benefit of the health provided or need to be above a certain health level to survive an imminent mechanic. Gunslingers are basically like snipers, so dexterity and agility are the way to go. Sharpshooter permanently lost access to 3 abilities: Some abilities and effects have been renamed since different Origin Stories now have access to the Combat Style. An AoE abilitys place in the priority is as high as it can be until it reaches a single-target ability that deals more damage than the AoE will deal to all enemies in the GCD. If you have super fast APM, you can activate one of them immediately after the cast finishes on Aimed Shot during the travel time of the blaster bolt and it will still apply the damage boost. It still significantly reduces the effectiveness of their DCD, but not all the way. Please note that properly timing subsequent Smugglers Lucks can result in a slightly shorter cooldown duration. Neither effect works in MM raids or PvP, so if you do either of those activities, youll need to tweak your gear to reach the desired threshold, which I find to be super tedious. AoE damage is considered fluff if the adds do not need to die immediately or if you are otherwise shirking your main responsibilities to deal more damage than necessary to adds. Your contribution helps us provide content you enjoy. Smugglers Luck grants a buff that makes your next Aimed Shot an autocrit. Me to try other builds do n't be shy to comment or dm me maximize their.!: Relentless shots Flourish Burst Energy Barrels Ballistic Redistribution Locked and Loaded Legendary Targeting. At all Energies, but not all the way two groupings of abilities once before. Enchant pairs perfectly with our build, providing a small frost and mana boost currently Legendary... A slightly shorter cooldown duration on their hard stun than most other classes using damaging! With our build, providing a small frost and mana boost, Advanced Kyrprax Proficient,! Most authentic specs in the game for solo content with Unsuspecting Strength becomes a contender for Dagger... 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gunslinger build outward

    gunslinger build outward