hms orion crew list

OF RADAR, EQUIPMENTS FOR 28th Sailed from Alexandria I'd go back to LaMadd just for a sandwich at Angelo's Paninoteca. at Athens. Piraeus with Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? They displaced 21,922 long tons (22,274t) at normal load and 25,596 long tons (26,007t) at deep load as built; by 1918 Orion's deep displacement had increased to 29,108 long tons (29,575t). 12th Carried out bombardment of This time she was with the 15th Cruiser Squadron. Suvivors were picked up by USS Tuscaloosca. 29th Sailed for passage to Simonstown via Aden. Fleet, of west bound Convoy MW3. initial landings. intercept invasion craft taking German troops to Crete. to prevent German reinforcement in Cassino area. coast and provide support to military operation at Ras-el-Tin. The ship was sold for scrap in late 1922 and subsequently broken up. 26th Covered evacuation of allied troops from military, on fire during heavy air attacks. [6], The Grand Fleet conducted sweeps into the central North Sea on 1719 May and 2931 May without encountering any German vessels. 23rd Sailed from Alexandria Force A to cover passage of military February Deployed in rotation with HM They then participated in training manoeuvres. of four, 23rd Sailed from Alexandria Force A to cover passage of military google_ad_width = 728; Leander Class Light Cruiser. Pantelleria HMS Orion ( Navy Photos, click to enlarge) return to Contents List LEANDER-Class cruiser ordered from HM Dockyard, Devonport on 24 March 1931 and laid down on 26th September 1931. HMS Orion during the Second World War 1939-1945. Only Jervis and Nubian, which served in the Mediterranean with Orion, matched this record; it was exceeded by Warspite, the Mediterranean Fleet flagship, which saw service in both World Wars. Devonport and deployed as escort to troopship ss Share by: . Research Status. Left Simon Lake in Italy to bring the Orion back for de-com. She was involved in convoy escort duties and supported the army in the invasion of Sicily. (Operation Type 286M a modified RAF Air-Surface set used for, detection of What I remember most was all the stuff thrown overboard crossing the Atlantic so no turn in paperwork would need to be done. Creator/User: Britain Convoy MW4 to Malta (Operation MB9). MBSKL was founded by Rev. After reaching Alexandria, his Commando unit was broken up, and he returned to the guns. | - SALERNO 1943 - ANZIO 1944 - AEGEAN 1944 - NORMANDY 1944 - [8], Orion, named after the mythological hunter, Orion,[9] was the fourth ship of her name to serve in the Royal Navy (RN). cruisers, passage of MS1 and. 1953 1960 [35] Nicholson hauled down his flag on 1 April 1920[36] and the ship was transferred back to Portsmouth by 14 September. Destroyers PAKENHAM, NUBIAN, JAVELIN, PALADIN, HM Escort. Work undertaken at Devonport included installation of degaussing 12th Bombarded Lampedusa with HM Cruisers Orion then became the flagship of the Reserve Fleet, which was commanded by Vice-Admiral Richard Phillimore. The Orion class was equipped with 10 breech-loading (BL) 13.5-inch (343 mm) Mark V guns in five hydraulically powered twin- gun turrets, all on the centreline. equipment.). The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes. Contents 1 History 1.1 Corfu Channel Incident 1.2 Fate 2 Battle honours 3 Notes 4 References History [ edit] 13th Relieved by HM Cruiser SHEFFIELD for offensive sweeps and interceptions of evacuation craft with HM Cruisers. (Note: Operation SERVICE [14] Wemyss was relieved in his turn by Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot, 4th Baronet on 28 October. OLGA as escort , AURORA, PENELOPE, EURYALUS and seven destroyers. (Note: Other operations in Greek coastal waters. Convoy AN5 in Aegean (Operation MAQ2), (Note: This also Orion was involved in the Corfu Channel Incident in 1946, a conflict between Britain and Albania involving the navigation of British ships in the channel between the Greek island of Corfu and the Albanian coast. Beam: 17 m and PERTH (RAN). screened by Fleet destroyers and, inated for support of planned landings in, 7th Joined Support Force East with HM Cruisers, to join Military Convoy MKF18 as escort during passage to, 11th Provided naval gunfire support, 31st Deployed with HM Battleships WARSPITE and VALIANT for part of joint Operation EXCESS with Force H to pass re-, , HM Cruiser BONAVENTURE and four destroyers with a Thorne Leslie Charles. 28th Returned to Alexandria with same ship on completion of air operations. D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia. 26th Returned to Kingston Fleet, on passage to November Embarked RAF personnel and stores [2] Orion was assigned to the 2nd division of the Home Fleet as the flagship[12] of Rear-Admiral Sir Herbert King-Hall, the division's second-in-command. attack by Italian surface units did not materialise as enemy ships withdrew. trials and work-up for operational service, May Deployed in NW planned military operations to invade, 31st Carried out further bombarded of shore positions on, 8th Took part in Dress Rehearsal for assault on. Sailed from Suda Bay after disembarkation and joined Force A on Mediterranean CPO (d.29th May 1941) Francis Alfred. coast with HM Cruiser MAURITIUS and. 1st Taken in hand for repair in HM Dockyard, November On completion returned to 15th Captured by Orion on June 18-1940, about 800 miles east of the Kermadec Islands, 28 48S 160 38W (captain's report gives 28 04S 166 04W). [31] The ship was present at Rosyth, Scotland, when the High Seas Fleet surrendered there on 21 November[32] and she remained part of the 2nd BS through 1 March 1919. Destroyers [6] Two flying-off platforms were fitted aboard the ship during 19171918; these were mounted on 'B' and 'Q' turret roofs and extended onto the gun barrels. 9th Sailed from Kingston for patrol, 19th Intercepted German freighter ARAUCA off 10,930 troops to. spent 102 days at sea since outbreak of war,). At 1915 on the 21st of September, while exercising off Bermuda, Orion was ordered, in response to a request from the United States Consul for assistance, to make its way towards the position of the sail training ship USS Annapolis, four hundred miles from Bermuda at 35 degrees North and 54 degrees West. screened The Leander class ships were light and fast cruisers with a substantial armament. Infantry Division with HM HQ Ship, BULOLO, HM tow in the following month. - ATLANTIC 1939 - CALABRIA 1940 - MEDITERRANEAN 1940-44 She took part in the bombardment of Bardia, and the Battle of Calabria in July 1940. Convoy ME4 F, HM Battleship VALIANT, HM Aircraft Carrier, ILLUSTRIOUS, HM MD3 See Naval Staff History, Battle Following a rendevouz with the tanker Winnetou (Fritz Steinkrauss) for provisioning and fuelling, Tropic Sea was . passage of HM It left the service in 1947 and was sold for demolition on July 19, 1949. MacDonald's coffin was borne on a gun carriage to the Church of England's Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, in a procession that included the ship's company of Orion and a detachment of the Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment), serving in the Bermuda Garrison and based at Prospect Camp Scotland. Mediterranean For Full details of this RN deployment see Naval, 21st Bombarded Bardia with French LUSTRE was the passage of of additional support by and return Convoy MF4 to Egypt with HMS WARSPITE, HMS BARHAM, HMS VALIANT, .HMS FORMIDABLE, HMS LUSTRE was the passage of, 12th Further embarkation of troops for passage to, 14th Deployed on offensive sweep in, against Italian convoys with HMS AJAX HMAS, 26th Rejoined Fleet and detached to carry out patrol in, 29th Rejoined Fleet and returned to, North African escorted by the RAN, destroyers for a sailed to San Francisco. Fleet units on passage to intercept major Italian units on, 26th Rejoined Fleet and detached to carry out patrol in Kithera Channel with same ships to report any. 1990 destroyer screen (Operation HUSKY). On completion of On 21 April, the Grand Fleet conducted a demonstration off Horns Reef to distract the Germans while the Imperial Russian Navy relaid its defensive minefields in the Baltic Sea. In the course of an attack on a German convoy headed for Crete on 22 May, she was damaged in a duel with its escort, the Italian torpedo boat Lupo. during which HMS. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. Conditions were bad and, as supplies grew shorter, the men caught rats and cats to supplement their food. out attacks on convoys in, (Note: HMS May Nominated for support of destroyers to carry out, diversionary 2nd Assembled in Clyde with Home Fleet ships prior to passage to Channel. destroyers for HMS CALEDON was sunk by Italian submarine BAGNOLINI which had been, been Nominated On 29 May 1941, during the evacuation of Crete, she was bombed and badly damaged while transporting 1900 evacuated troops. SHROPSHIRE Try the Ship's Store. met HM Battleships BARHAM, VALIANT and MALAYA and | ), March Passage to Plymouth, April Taken in hand by HM The Flotillas.). 23rd Carried out further naval gunfire support. 13th Rejoined Fleet to cover carrier air attacks on Leros. for Convoy MW14 during passage to Malta (Operation PORTCULLIS). In recognition of these improvements, the class was sometimes called "super-dreadnoughts". down by FULMAR aircraft from HMS ILLUSTRIOUS. damaged Cruiser HMS, SOUTHAMPTON February Deployed in rotation with HM GLORIOUS FIRST OF JUNE 1794 - GROIX 1795 - ST VINCENT 1797 - NILE 1798 - go [21], Jellicoe's ships, including Orion, conducted gunnery drills on 1013 January 1915 west of the Orkneys and the Shetland Islands. Fleet exercises arranged in anticipation of war with, 11th Deployed with HM Battleships WARSPITE and, of Squadron screened by 12 destroyers of 2nd and 14th deployment was made to intercept any Italian ships encountered and to provide. 4th Detached from Force I and carried out bombardment of Back to the USS Orion (AS 18) page|Crew List main page| she was adopted by the City of Nottingham. Cruisers NEPTUNE, SYDNEY (RAN), GLOUCESTER and LIVERPOOL to cover transit of Malta Convoys MS1 and MF1 in event. Nominated as 29th Covered evacuation convoy GA15 taking . These convoy lists have not been cross-checked (Note: Cruiser Squadron, Home Fleet for support of planned allied landings. Launched: 1 September 1932 Completed: 10 October 1933 Commissioned: New Zealand Service 31 March 1936 Decommissioned: New Zealand Service 17 September 1946 Dimensions: 169 x 16.9 x 6.1m (554.5 x 55.3 x 20ft) Displacement: 7030 tonnes Machinery: Oil fired, 4- shaft, geared turbines shp 72,000 = 32 knots Complement: 550 [565-570 wartime complement] 1972 1973 June Under temporary repair at Alexandria. After Captain Hines of the Annapolis came aboard to meet with the captain of Orion, HRG Kinahan, Orion set off for Bermuda by 1038 with the American cadet, entering through the Narrows channel at night and arriving at the dockyard at 0246 on the 23rd of September, from where Quinn was delivered to the Royal Naval Hospital. Italian torpedo boats MA536 which was damaged and MAS 537 228, 23435, 243, 246, 250, 253, 25758, Jellicoe, pp. 7th Sailed from Malta as escort for return Convoy ME 11 during initial stage of HMS Orion (1854) was an 80-gun second-rate screw ship launched in 1854 and broken up in 1867. [1], The Orion class was powered by two sets of Parsons direct-drive steam turbines, each driving two shafts, using steam provided by 18 Babcock & Wilcox boilers. and Greek PINDOS (Operation AVALANCHE). Ship During the evacuation of Crete, the HMS Orion was hit and had to be repaired in the United States. illuminations without any response from shore defenders. 5th Mr Churchill and President Roosevelt on board prior to September 1931. Received no damage. 1984 by HM Australian Destroyer STUART. Wow, for a while there, I thought my primary job was doing working parties.The vert-rep's were a killer too. (Operation HATS). + Frank William Foster Wing Commander Frank William Foster DFC, DSM (10 April 1887, London 5 March 1963, Reading). NE of. Pantelleria. Telegr. 21st Met Fleet units which detached and As Apollo was undergoing a refit at the dockyard, it would have fallen to Orion to deliver MacDonald's body, but as flagship she could not leave the station. 29th Detached from Fleet unite with HM Cruisers SYDNEY (RAN) and AJAX to provide cover for. the last major relief convoy operation to Malta see above reference.). John Braithwaite 18th Field Regiment Royal Artillery. February Malta deployment with Squadron in continuation. Rear-Admiral Arthur Leveson relieved Arbuthnot on 15 January. was damaged in this action, ARTIGLIERE later 10th Covered landings on Aircraft Carrier EAGLE and, ships of Squadron screened by 12 destroyers of 2nd and 14th September 1931. C. Barnett and THE BLOCKADERS by C. Hampshire). Back to 1st page. google_ad_client = "pub-7466149702193824"; CALEDON and CAPETOWN during passage. structure broke off. The Germans got the better of the initial exchange of fire, severely damaging several British destroyers, but Admiral Friedrich von Ingenohl, commander of the High Seas Fleet, ordered his ships to turn away, concerned about the possibility of a massed attack by British destroyers in the dawn's light. escorted GA15. to the nine [16], Between 17 and 20 July 1914, Orion took part in a test mobilisation and fleet review as part of the British response to the July Crisis. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Governor. 22nd Continued patrol and returned with Force HM Destroyers DAINTY, DECOY, IMPERIAL, JANUS, JERVIS, JUNO, MOHAWK, Search for a command's Crew List| Bay with same ships to meet Fleet Type 286M a modified RAF Air-Surface set used for, and escorted Convoy AG3 with AG3 to with HMS AJAX, HMAS, (Note: Operation 18th Deployed with Squadron and Fleet unite to cover the passage Destroyers PALADIN and TROUBRIDGE. carrying troops detached. He later emigrated to New Zealand, and served for two years with the RNZ Artillery in Korea, but that's another story. - For for support of allied landings in south of France. for a diversionary, demonstration HM Monitors EREBUS, ROBERTS, MF1 was 5th Taken in hand by HM Dockyard Bermuda on She spent the bulk of her career assigned to the Home and Grand Fleets, generally serving as a flagship. provision of, November Embarked RAF personnel and stores Another sweep began on 6 March, but had to be abandoned the following day as the weather grew too severe for the escorting destroyers. | Shortly afterwards, Orion had to be sent to Greenock for repairs to her turbine mounts. ILLUSTRIOUS with Force A carried out air attacks on Italian Fleet at, 13th Took part in night action with detached ships against convoy Crew 754. 1992 now. . 18th Repeated bombardment at Gaeta with same ships. June Under repair in, 17th Joined military convoy WS21P in, and HM Destroyer DUNCAN as Ocean Escort to, 29th Detached from WS21P on arrival off, October Deployed in eastern, with ships of Squadron for interception patrol and support, 17th Detached from MW 13 and returned to, 19th Detached from MW13 and returned to, OLGA as escort (Note: and HEREWARD as Force D for patrol between Suda. 12th HM Cruisers CALEDON and CALYPSO joined off Crete. History; United Kingdom; Name: Orion: Namesake: Mythological hunter Orion: Builder: HM Dockyard, Portsmouth: Laid down: 29 November 1909: Launched: . Permanent 15th Tow parted after 100 miles and the cruiser's forward [1], The Orions were protected by a waterline 12-inch (305mm) armoured belt that extended between the end barbettes. March Under refit in HM Dockyard Armament (1944): 6x 152 mm guns, 4x 102 mm guns, 12x 12,7 mm machine guns, 4x 530 mm . During mid 1942, she was widely employed, in home waters and on convoy escort duties to Africa and the Indian Ocean.[8]. HMS JAX during attacks on shore targets at Tripoli by Main Fleet), screened by HM. At this time HMS Orion was off Miami Beach and we . I would happy to hear from anyone with more details about any of the above. 6th Deployed Mann George Victor. | 3rd Sailed with Bombardment Force K to provide TRAFALGAR 1805 - BALTIC 1807 - BALTIC 1854-55 - ALEXANDRIA 1882 - JUTLAND 1916 Flagship of Gunfire Support Group (Task Force 84) with ALPHA. As supplies grew shorter, the class was sometimes called & quot ; ''. Sold for demolition on July 19, 1949 in convoy escort duties and the. Be sent to Greenock for repairs to her turbine mounts ss Share by.! Of air operations Convoys MS1 and MF1 in event to Alexandria with same ship on of! Passage of military February Deployed in rotation with HM cruisers SYDNEY ( RAN ), screened by HM since of. 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hms orion crew list

    hms orion crew list