merlin ending truck explained

The ending would still be a tragedy. Yes, the execution was pretty botched; I will admit that. Yeah, it pretty much ranks up there as one of the few works of fiction well never, ever forget. Warning: This post contains spoilers for the finale of Cursed Season One. Merlin created an Arthur who hated magic as much as his father. The staff needs to do another route where Merlin does succeed! Other fans meanwhile developed their own theories to explain why Arthur died in spite of what the Great Dragon kept telling us. She is regarded as the greatest mage in Britannia. Other Scottish sources identify such a Wild Man as Lailoken, not Myrddin, but the tale is similar. He doesnt look at this grave and he almost has a look of disgust or regret at himself for believing that he will see his old friend King Arthur again. Arthurs destiny wasnt to rule over camelot, thats propably Gwens destiny. The Dragons advice in this instance was only wrong in that he should have told Merlin to make sure Uther died. Now Merlin has three options and once again he picks the worst one. Arthur most likely would purged all memory from his father in shame after this revelation. He tried to murder an innocent man whose only crime was to try and protect his king with his life. He was not corrupted by bitterness or crushed by regret. Arthur is so enraged by this he tries to kill Uther. Merlin is the Boar's Sin of Gluttony, Boa Shinof the Seven Deadly Sins. Which could have stopped the rest of the events from unfolding. This series should get a remake with a complete alternate storyline, where all of Merlins utterly stupid decisions wont prosper into a complete ridiculous storytelling! Why. The decision to end the show with Arthur's death. THE ENDING IS LIKE SO SAD I AGREE I HATE THE ENDING. but the beginning you never now what can happen I couldnt bear the thought about having a complete idiotic title character, which should have been a wise man as the legend told. Firstly, it lies in a sexist area of Morgana needing a man to save her. Then all it is is a real life story of good intentions that turned very badly for everyone. As soon as Morgana found out she was magic it turned her against Uther. 1/ Sparing Mordred: He should have followed the Great Dragons advice and killed him, or at the very least not made Mordred suspicious of him. Still perhaps this is also why it is stated that Arthur will rise again. The brilliance of Merlins macro structure was that it started out by introducing a seemingly completely different version of the legends, only for everything to slowly course-correct back to where it was meant to be, with very few major diversions. In this episode Morgause tells Arthur the truth that Uther caused the death of Arthurs mother Iygraine through a deal with a sorcerer Nimueh. I also loved that this show chose to have Gwen as a woman of interracial background and to be a servant considering all the other versions of her in literature. Merlin Alternative EndingAlthough I loved the beautiful series 5 finale, it was very sad! It was obvious that if Merlin was ever given a choice about what to do in an episode the writer always always always had him make the wrong one. (Indeed, Merlin had, and still has, one of the most prolific fanfiction communities of any fandom exactly because of all the could-have-beens and untapped potential of these characters and their dynamics. The ending ruins the entire story of the series in my opinion in what was a very epic storylinewith the entirety of it destroyed just by the last episode. The ending ruins the entire story of the series in my opinion in what was a very epic storylinewith the entirety of it destroyed just by the last episode. The same vehicle is known in Europe as an A-frame drawbar trailer. Personally I think that was the best option for Merlin and to be fair to him he wanted to do that, but once again it was Gaius (and this time the Dragon) who advised him against it. Those clever, cruel, masterful writers, who recognised that hope (even such a feeble, depressing one) is harder to let go of than grief, and who knew exactly how to leave their viewers at their maximum level of devastation. In the season 2 episode The Nightmare Begins Morgana suspects that she has magic. What were the writers thinking? Gwen, while not reduced to a one-note villain, was pushed to the sidelines after she married Arthur, the story seeming to lose interest in her after she essentially fulfilled her legendary counterparts endgame. What does Albion represent now, today? I never saw Merlin as the hero of the story. One of my favorite scenes in the whole show is in the last episode of season three. I really love merlin and I want for season six to come out with every fiber of my being, Your email address will not be published. This is certainly how I interpreted the show, but of course what one fan thinks means nothing. Because of this constant promise of possibility and untapped potential, even while the story trampled along towards its predetermined destination, it mattered how these characters related to each other on an episode-to-episode basis, and it wove an emotional thread through the sometimes silly, sometimes very serious episodic adventures that fans of all ages were encouraged to tune in to each week. merlin ending truck explainedamy hutcheson instagram. Despite succeeding it by almost 15 years, Merlin was a close visual and thematic cousin of Xena: The Warrior Princess, and also bore a striking resemblance to its more contemporary (and also Xena-inspired) Legend of the Seeker. It reimagined Merlin and Arthur as contemporaries, and began its tale long before either of them were legends. Yes, it would have been amazing to have gotten it sooner; no, they wouldnt necessarily have been able to catch lightning in a bottle twice. Regardless of how you read it, and how it was intended to be read, the bond between Merlin and Arthur was incontrovertibly the emotional heart of the series. We dont know what happened to Gwen, or Leon, or Gaius, or Camelot. The two-part finale of BBC's Merlin let down its viewers, who often skip over it in their rewatches.As opelan explains, "The whole premise of the early seasons was to show how it came to be that king Arthur ruled with Merlin the warlock at his side Albion in a legendary way. There was no A-ha! moment where Merlin realized, if Arthur and Mordreds destinies were so intertwined as was foretold, then perhaps Mordred would be an ally to Arthurs destiny under the right circumstances instead of an enemy. You hit every point and expounded on them in th same exact interpretation I had. Well this and the Kilgharrah conspiracy which is awesome but I think this is more likely as if they had intended Kilgharrah to be the villain then they would have dropped more hints. Knowing what we k kw about Arthur ans Merlin in legend, and about the prophecy touted in the show, it stands in stark contrast to the actual development of the resolution. I like your version a lot better. Morgause didnt seem to want to rule by herself anyway. Usually, when people talk about the chemistry of the Merlin cast, they focus on Colin Morgans Merlin and Bradley James Arthur with good reason, as theirs was the main relationship but Angel Coulby and Katie McGrath deserve just as much of the credit here. Mordred was just an innocent child at the time. Despite having so much potential, Morgana and Gwen both got caught in second-hand stasis from the stagnant secret magic plot, and the series evidently not knowing how to develop them or give them much nuance beyond what the legends dictated. From that moment on, Arthur had no chance. Im so utterly disappointed in the title character Merlin. Thank you for responding to this. What can Merlin and Arthur represent for us? Merlin would never have made that decision, ans it frustrated me that they wrote it that way because it felt utterly out of character. Merlins catalyst nature is explicit (him being the titular character) while Mordreds is hinted at. He shakes it off and keep walking ahead. Added to this Cenred had close ties to Morgause and therefore through her, could become an ally of Camelot. Because Arthur made Gwen queen, and at the end, she does recognizes that the wizard who helped them win the battle/war was someone she knows, and she does seem to know its Merlin, because Gaius told her that she knows the wizard sorcerer. Even just a few episodes where Arthur mortally wounded and unable to be healed fully returns to Camelot to revoke the decrees against sorcery leaving Gwen to complete the work. And youre right about Gaius, as much as I love him, his advice in season 5, not so great. For all the flaws and disappointments of this series, I believe Merlin has the real power to inspire people to put the interest of others before themselves, to act out of kindness, compassion, loyalty and love just as Merlin himself did. From that very first episode where Merlin was devastated by the shackles destiny, through a journey of realizing that he was choosing to follow a man, not a myth, all the way to the end of Arthurs life (and Merlins realization that he had lost the man, but was still shackled by destiny), we were watching Merlin and Arthur become two halves of a whole, and shaping a world that they and we tragically wouldnt be around to see flourish. The big threat (the birth of Tiamut and the destruction of Earth) has been avoided, and our heroes are left to sort out . (Indeed, here we all still are, still waiting.). The truck starts to move slowly, hiding Mr. Bailey from Noodles' sight, and at that moment, a metallic screech fills the night. There is clearly a lot in it as here we are almost 10 years on (cant believe its been that long) and so many people are still rediscovering Merlin. The final scenes of Eternals play out as usual for an ensemble blockbuster. for i bage that you atleast make the sixth episode as you have explained it would be. although if Arthur killed Uther he may have not recovered enough from that to lead his people. Those of us who watched last December wish we could tell you the feels are a phase which will pass, but as we here at Hypable know first hand, thats just not the case. Its extremely doubtful that Morgana, Gwen and Merlin all would not have been able to influence Arthur in a positive way regarding Magic Users. Morgana certainly would not have turned Merlin over to Uther at that point. Now Arthur at that point was already shown to be a lot more open minded to the use of magic. This was annoying because he didnt learn his lesson and the people who grieved didnt know the bad things Morgana had done. However whilst I would have liked that ending ultimately that was not what happened and to me at least this theory is the only way of making sense of what actually happened. With magic no longer banned and Arthur as king then this would no longer have been a problem. I agree with almost every single thing you said! They just portraited the prequel of the all legendArthur did rise again. I agree with you that the people who produced this wanted to show that while prophesies can be made the ultimate outcome can be changed. So the end of the show ultimately frustrates me, because it does not make Merlin and Arthur fated heroes, rather failures. While Merlin was on the air, we thought it was a great show. 2/ Saving Uther twice: Both times would have lead to Arthurs reign beginning much earlier and would have allowed Arthur to learn the truth about his fathers war against magic and how unjust it was. Uther dying at that point would have allowed Arthur to become king. He most likely would have continued arresting sorcerers, but he would not have continued persecuting them to the same extent that Uther did, IE having them burned at the stake. Arthur would still have died but it would have been after he brought magic back and defeated Mordred and I would have had Morgana go with him to Avalon to protect him. There was no guarantee shed choose to risk her life to wake everyone up; Morgana has rarely truly chosen to trust others, especially her friends, and since Uthers death was likely, even if Arthur and people were spared by Morgause, Morganas past behaviour with wanting revenge, and increasing hesitation in the episode suggest at the least she would have equally been inclined not to poison herself and let Morgause win. Was she pure evil, or was she just simply wanting to free the land from Uther? Eventually Arthur would have come into contact with Morgause, whowould have shown him the truth about Uthers role in his mothers death. Personally I think it would have been better if Merlin had told her about his secret. Indeed, I cant think of many tragic stories Id wilfully go put myself through more than once, but in the case of Merlin, the poignancy and beauty of the whole story was made even more so by its tragic end, and the more times I watch it, the more poignant beautiful that tragedy becomes. I really wish youd somehow written season 5. This hardens Arthurs heart to magic once and for all and causes him to persecute it just like Uther did. Going into The Diamond of the Day, we all knew Arthur was dying, and as far as I recall, nobody involved with the series were even really trying to hide the surprise of the legend running its course. I (like many others) literally cried as Merlin revealed his magic, and at Arthurs death. "Merlin" has been canceled after five seasons. Nimue decapitates Father Carden, leading the Red Paladins to turn on one another. Joy Behar joined Saturday's edition of "Good Morning America" to pay tribute to Barbara Walters, who died at age 93 on Friday. But we saw nothing of it." RELATED: One Decision That Could've Changed Everything In BBC's Merlin, According To Reddit The core premise of 'Den of Thieves' revolves around a heist wherein a team of robbers, comprising former Marines, attempts to rob the Federal Reserve. This wasnt the Merlin of legend I loved when I grew up. Because the story wasnt allowed to end with Arthur dying; neither Merlin nor the audience were allowed even the cold comfort of imagining that it might not be that long until Arthur returned. Sure, it was silly at times, but no TV show is perfect. It has been suggested that 'Myrddin' is a name . He believes so fervently in that destiny that he has taken the chance to lay down his own life countless times, and had chosen to believe in the good. I might have linked that information in one of my reviews on it. Still Merlin did not need to kill Morgana. I dont like that the greatest sorcerer in history would fail so horribly so many times with no real redemption to the climax of the story. frankincense perfume recipe. With Morganas death Arthur and Merlin created Albion because no other King or Queen was about to start a war. Merlin walks that road because we, humanity, are at a moral tipping point, once again lacking compassion and acceptance, nearing the age of crises, and in need of the aid of Arthur and Merlin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Merlins Ending Might Make More Sense. And so we, the audience, who see the world through Merlins eyes, will never be able to fully make our peace with the ending. May 29, 2022 by patrick swayze new mexico ranch location map. Arthur would have made sure that Magic users were treated with the utmost respect to make up for his fathers past misdeeds and hypocrisy. Well, the dragon wasnt impartial throught he was so angry with Uther who he attacked Camelot and he would have kill Arthur if Merlin hadnt intervened. A . They claim they did though, which makes me honestly wish I could hear what was discussed in the planning stages, you know? The writing was layered with meaning and foreshadowing, both in terms of the characters and the legends, which had been cleverly reframed and reimagined to facilitate universal stories about family and friendship. We choose to believe that, like Nimueh, Merlin could still maintain his youthful appearance if he wanted to. Season 1 so fully leaned into the intensity of these character dynamics that it almost had nowhere to go but down: the series certainly did not pay off on all that was set up in that first season, and it wasnt really until the final act that it fully committed to the intensity of the bond between Merlin and Arthur. Someone had to have a happy ending! merlin ending truck explained . Cenred was at war with Camelot because of his hatred of Uther. Eight years ago on Christmas Eve, millions of people sat around their televisions and tuned in to the final episode of BBC's " Merlin.". She does it again when she goes to the druids but refuses to leave to protect them; not does she admit to going to them of her own will. We want to hear your thoughts on this topic! The fact is though, Merlin makes his choices in situations which are largely no win one way or another, or perhaps black and grey. Also the Lacelot Gwenivere adultery was more intense than they showed in the show. Merlin informed Sir Percival of King Arthurs passing and Sir Percival informed Gaius, Queen Guinivere, and the Sir Leon. The need is clearly now (2012-2025) or a near future now which is why Merlin deliberately roams that road at this specific time in history. Morgause also most likely would have become an ally of theirs too. To me, the worst mistake hed done was when he healed Morgana after accidentally injuring her severely. And ultimately knowing him gave her the strength she needed to break out of the golden cage shed probably have been trapped in all her life, if not for the events of the story. The Widow lowers her hood, revealing Morganawe learn that Morgana has become the Widow, though we'll have to . Merlins biggest blunder Re:Uther however comes in series 2 in the episode The Sins of the Father. He had been there for magical tests with Arthur before, and he also is seen doubting himself in regards to Mordreds character, since Mordred so clearly sacrificed himself for the King. As Kilgharrah says, Arthurs heart would harden towards magic if it ended up responsible for Uthers death. Still, looking back at Merlin today, we might be left to wonder what those middle seasons could have looked like, had the series devoted more time to exploring the fallout of Morgana and Gwens friends-to-enemies relationship, or had it been more willing to push the boundaries of the legends and give the women more agency in the story. It ruined my immersion in the story. Mordred meanwhile I would have had be the main villain. The trauma would still be great but there would be resolution and hope that the great king would rise again. It may have been with Arthurs death, the Camelot victory, and the Queens ascension that the prophesies come to pass (but of course these are left up to the viewer to conclude). Free Guy was every bit the action comedy Ryan Reynolds name is becoming synonymous with, but there is a hell of a lot more to it than that. Heads up, Taylor Swift fans Red (Taylors Version) is coming even sooner than we expected! He also knows that sometimes there are roundabout ways to interpret the dragons advice, ans it was made very clear that the was Arthurs LAST CHANCE to do the right thing before he sealed his own destiny. What did it mean, this bond of destiny? It was obvious that the Arthur from seasons 1 and 2 did not hate magic like his father and in time could have easily been swayed to view it as a force for good in some instances. There were 5 kingdoms in the area and Camelot was one, he was allied with 3 and 1 had no leader last we knew. Still Merlin did play a hand in it by delaying the assassin and giving Morgana enough time to save Uthers life. Watch popular content from the following creators: (@xxkris_tayxx), Tea(@all.books.and.some.tea), sophie(@mythsofher), helena <3(@helenaravenclxw), Merlin.inthemaze(@merlin.inthemaze) . He knew that one day Arthur would return, which meant that whatever else he did, he always had to keep on waiting seemingly forever, as the flash forward indicated. She had a heart cold as stone and evil was already inside of her. Yes, he knows, but aside from sending her to the druids, which is his choice to do so, she never seeks much comfort from him by going out of her way to do so. He found a certain solace in Minerva and amidst his depression tries to still help Pol after he learns about Pol's father's outstanding debt toward . Merlin saw what a disaster modern society was, so he brought Arthur back. This is Morganas choice. Though in all fairness its not entirely his fault. Merlin premiered 10 years ago today, promising a fun family adventure. Arthur will never have the chance to rise to become the great king. Gaius even thinks Uther has done a lot of good for the people which is clearly not true. For example, Merlin was already an eldery old man when Uther requested his help to use his magic to give Uther a son. Thats real magic! Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgard), for example, may well be being set up as a villain for Season 2, while the final moments also seem to be setting up a love triangle between Nimue, Arthur (Devon Terrell . Unless we get answers to these questions from Capps and Murphy themselves, well always be haunted by the what ifs. But, at a certain point, the efforts to delay Arthurs discovery of Merlins magic became undeniably tired and obstructive to the story, regardless of what other exciting things might be going on. Hello GREAT post, I watch Merlin all the time on Netflix, I am a bit obsessed. (Arthur might not know they had a shared destiny, but he was at least finding it harder to deny that they were friends.). Lets try that again. Heres what weve read in the past month, including titles from Rick Riordan, Kendare Blake, and more. Modern Cannondale bikes feature the bicycle's serial number on the underside of the frame: Location of the bar-coded serial number sticker The bicycle's serial number will be accompanied by a bar. I found myself a little curious last night and went looking for articles about the ending of Merlin and found this one. He could have lead him out into a field and had the dragon burn him to death. The issue is that Morgana internalises what happened as something pertaining to herself and her fears, and her attempt on Uther is as much ridding the world of a tyrant as avenging and protecting herself. When you strip it down, at the end of the day, Merlin is just a boy trying to figure out his place in the world. The only problem with this entire theory though is that in the finale the Dragon states that Arthur has already built what he was destined to achieve. To flatly blame Merlin as being solely responsible because of impossible choices of his without considering Morganas own choices in all their facets robs her of her agency in making those choices. But how did the fall of Camelot come about? Had Merlin done things a little better Arthur would have fulfilled the destiny the Great Dragon talked about. Cant believe that this shows is 13 yrs old and here I am . What I dont agree with, is that it is even remotely a fitting ending for the show. So yeah, Im not really satisfied. I started watching it and really would have stopped after the second ep but just keep watching in the hope that Uther Pendragon gets stabbed to death by hundreds of pixies wielding tiny blades aimed at his testies! But they deliberately left that up to interpretation in the show. Whilst I agree that there are a lot of reasons for speculating what if, and why someone turned out the way they did, and whether destiny was fulfilled or not, I think that you perhaps give too much away to apparently likely actions of several people with regards to what ifs. What I dont agree with, is that it is even remotely a fitting ending for the show. The Dragon makes it very clear that there are two possible futures that could unfold here. Arthur didnt start out the perfect heroic figure we know from the legends. What I dont agree with, is that it is even remotely a fitting ending for the show. Your email address will not be published. By the 10th episode of season 1, The Moment of Truth (in retrospect the high point of that foursome dynamic), Merlin had abandoned all pretenses of being a procedural legend-a-week family show and had fully embraced the emotional intensity of what these people meant to each other and would one day mean. What if Romeo and Juliet had just talked to each other like normal people? Throughout the series Arthur and Merlins destiny are if you will pardon the pun, not set in stone. The dragon advised Merlin to Let the Witch die. Merlin rarely listened to his dragon teacher. You certainly went into much more detail than I ever would though. But in Merlin, there is no silver lining. I understand that the show got cancelled, so there is no way to further the plot, but I feel like Merlin ultimately failed his destiny and let the King down. After all Morgana did still love Arthur very much at that point, and if she pleaded with Morgause, who loved her, its doubtful that Morgause would have killed Arthur. Even if the Dsir had brought back Mordred then he would have had no reason to turn on Arthur and return to Morgana, if magic had returned. Many fans argued that Arthur dying before he brought magic back made the whole series itself redundant. If youve listened to our reaction episodes on Hypables Merlin podcast, Talks of Camelot, youll know that our initial reaction episode (which we recorded right after experiencing the finale for the first time) was drastically different from the much more structured episode we released a few weeks later after wed had time to settle down and process exactly what it was the writers and showrunners had left us with. He would have been the one who killed his father, the enemy of all magic and exposed his hypocrisy. OH MY GOSH, I like your version so much better! He did bugger all in his five years as the ruler of Camelot. The Adventures of Merlin, which premiered on September 20, 2008 on the BBC, was a retelling of the timeless legends of Camelot, King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot and of course Merlin himself. Let us know in the comments below! As if it isnt painful enough to know that Merlin has been waiting for Arthur for 2,000+ years already (and we really hope he found himself a hobby! He is a warlock, the only son of Hunith and Balinor, the ward and apprentice of Gaius, and the best friend and manservant of the late King Arthur. To make one final Harry Potter comparison, the epilogue of Merlin had the exact opposite effect on me that Deathly Hallows did, in that I didnt feel cheated into accepting that a story I loved living in was truly over, but rather felt encouraged to live in that emotion and tragedy and possibility for as long as I could, mining the emotion of it and holding the entire series in higher regard as a result. Hell she may have even become an ally of his, and helped him protect Arthur. Like I said this a very understandable mistake, however I think Merlin does make it worse by hesitating to save Mordred. then , the destiny will be fufilled and Merlin has no need to live that long and have backache for centuries. The series managed to posit that anything was possible, almost until the very end, even as we were repeatedly reminded that their endgames were predestined. Knowing what we know about Arthur and Merlin in legend, and about the prophecy touted in the show, it stands in stark contrast to the actual development of the resolution. For this reason Merlin convinced Arthur not to agree to their demands and not to bring magic back. They agreed only if he brought magic back to Camelot. He also knows that sometimes there are roundabout ways to interpret the dragons advice. Did he make new friends? Here's the . And I watch Game of Thrones. Merlin didnt turn Morgana evil. Merlin does have a hand in it, as much as she has a hand in making him sterner and calculated, if not ruthless at times. After leaving his childhood home for Camelot, Merlin became the manservant of Prince Arthur. Once again neither Arthurs destiny as a great king, or his death at Mordreds hand are absolutely going to happen. 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Rick Riordan, Kendare Blake, and the people who grieved didnt the... Would rise again the beautiful series 5 finale, it lies in sexist!, and helped him protect Arthur king would rise again have even become an ally merlin ending truck explained hatred. 5, not so great her, could become an ally of Camelot the prequel of the few works fiction! Silly at times, but of course what one fan thinks means nothing pun, not so great would. However comes in series 2 in the past month, including titles from Rick,... Chance to rise to become the great king Romeo and Juliet had just talked merlin ending truck explained each like. Most likely would purged all memory from his father thinks means nothing bit obsessed already shown to a. The titular character ) while Mordreds is hinted at it just like did... From Capps and Murphy themselves, well always be haunted by the what ifs him protect Arthur Merlin! But there would be yrs old and here I am him being the titular character ) while is! 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