oak island treasure found 2021

The siblings and their colleagues have to be careful during searches to avoid damaging the environment or anything hidden within. The only treasure oak island offers is termite free !!! A visitor to the site, Edward White, had himself lowered on a rope into the shaft but was able to bring out only DeMont. Whether you are a true believer or a skeptic of the mystery, the idea of buried treasure is captivating. Join . That might just be the case for Oak Island, an island off Nova Scotia that's only 140 acres but is home to some incredible findings. Thats another mystery to add to the pile that seems to be growing on Oak Island. They couldnt confirm that, though. [18][20][21], In 1866, a group known as The Oak Island Eldorado Company or more commonly The Halifax Company was formed to find the treasure. It was a venture that paid off. It All Started With Three Boys. This type of limestone easily dissolves when exposed to water, forming caves and natural voids. According to the prospectus, the stone was taken out of the chimney and moved to Halifax; there, James Liechti[47] was said to have deciphered the stone as reading: "Ten feet below are two million pounds buried".[48]. For instance, the wood-lined shaft that was constructed in 1805 by those seeking the islands treasure. Given the apparent discovery of a Roman sword, could there be a connection between the two? Unfortunately, without that treasure in possession, this remains nothing more than a mystery. Both of these shafts were filled with water when an alleged flood tunnel was again breached. [26] After Chappell's excavations, Hedden began digging in the summer of 1935, after he purchased the southeastern end of the island. [74] Leary's "The Second Cryptographic Shakespeare", published in 1990, identified ciphers in Shakespeare's plays and poems which pointed to Bacon's authorship. When you see your findings all laid out like that, its a lot easier to keep your eyes on the prize. The Lagina brothers certainly seemed to confirm that when they unearthed what appeared to be a human bone fragment. The original shaft, in a location unknown today, was dug by early explorers and known as "the money pit". With the assistance of two men identified only as John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, he excavated the depression and discovered a layer of flagstones two feet (60cm) below. It was seven years later that David came along for the ride, moving to Oak Island to help his father see what they could find. This had the potential to help the Lagina brothers with their search for treasure. The Discovery. Having found nothing of interest, the group gave up the search in 1867. According to them, he had both the knowledge and the skill to create something like this. The shaft later collapsed, and the excavation was again abandoned. [3] Byrd advised Franklin D. Roosevelt about the island;[57] the men forged a relationship, forming the United States Antarctic Service (USAS, a federal-government program) with Byrd nominally in command.[58]. Whats more, given his reported history of piracy, hed potentially have treasure worth hiding at the bottom of the Money Pit too. Although the group found the remains of an 1850 cofferdam, no evidence of anything else was found. Robert Restall, his 18-year-old son, and his colleague Karle Graeser hoped to change that in the 1960s. When they're not treasure hunting themselves, their company leads private and public tours. This, of course, would go a long way toward increasing the team's confidence that the treasure they are looking for is indeed on Oak Island. Unfortunately, the question that William could never completely answer was why he found these things where he did. Although the president secretly planned to visit Oak Island in 1939 while he was in Halifax, fog and the international situation In her opinion, its not a symbol of the cross that Jesus lost his life on. It held markings that looked as though they formed part of a medieval manuscript, which gave rise to a theory. As the Lagina brothers have invested more time, effort, and money into discovering the truth of Oak Island, theyve made many developments. [12], Another shaft was then dug 109 feet (33m) deep northwest of the original shaft, and a tunnel was again branched off in an attempt to intersect the treasure. [36], Although one expedition claimed to have found a flood tunnel lined with flat stones at 90 feet (27m),[6] geologist Robert Dunfield wrote that he carefully examined the walls of the re-excavated pit and was unable to locate any evidence of a tunnel. Aaron McArthur has the story. The shaft was later re-dug to 181 feet (55m), reaching bedrock, but work was halted due to lack of funds and the collapse of the partnership. Faribault, E. Rudolph. For more than 200 years, Oak Island has attracted treasure . Finding this in the Money Pit made a lot of sense and offered the potential for many more coins to be found. Properly date it. They were eager to uncover what secrets lay beneath, with McGinnis reportedly motivated by a certain rumor. It then took another five years before one of the alleged original diggers gave a statement regarding the original story along with subsequent Onslow and Truro Company activities. Thankfully, after putting everything into finding treasure on Oak Island, the Lagina brothers eventually struck gold. If it werent for the Lagina brothers and The Curse of Oak Island, a lot of people probably wouldnt know anything at all about this treasure hunters paradise. He reportedly continued to keep up with all the happenings here throughout his life, apparently hopeful that someone would succeed where hed failed. . [81], When marine biologist Barry Fell attempted to have the symbols on the stone translated during the late 1970s, he said that the symbols resembled the Coptic alphabet and read: "To escape contagion of plague and winter hardships, he is to pray for an end or mitigation the Arif: The people will perish in misery if they forget the Lord, alas". Well, copper. [82] According to Fell's theory, Coptic migrants sailed from North Africa to Oak Island and constructed the pit. This means that the people who came before them have done some of the hard work required to make parts of the Money Pit accessible. Fortunately, he recovered enough to help the Lagina brothers years later. "[41] Mitchell was the superintendent of works for the Oak Island Association, which was formed on April 3, 1861, and ceased operation by March 29, 1865. Do any of their findings reveal the mystery of Oak Island, though? Thankfully, the tragedy that befell these men isnt anything that future treasure hunters on Oak Island have had to deal with. An investigation swiftly revealed that the ground here was looser than anywhere else. The pair discovered a Spanish copper coin believed to be from the 17th century. Fans of "Curse of Oak Island" subreddit Recommended more than four years ago, and the Backing. [citation needed] Although the Oak Island Tourism Society had hoped that the government of Canada would purchase the island, a group of American drillers did so instead. The effect caused the next two platforms to drop as well, with any treasure now resting some 119 feet (36m) below ground along with an estimated 10,000 board feet (24m3) of lumber. The Blankenships had actually been involved with searching for treasure on Oak Island long before the Lagina brothers. Various items have surfaced over the years that were found on the island, some of which have since been carbon-dated and found to be hundreds of years old. If the hoard is discovered it is thought it will be the most valuable haul ever to be found. With that in mind, it makes sense that there might be human remains buried somewhere on the island. An account of an excavation of the pit was published in the January 1965 issue of Reader's Digest. However, the siblings dont plan on taking someones life just to see if the legend is true. Oak Island lies on a glacial tumulus system and is underlain by a series of water-filled anhydrite cavities which may be responsible for the repeated flooding of the pit. The curse of the oak island found weight in the last few decades. [18] The Oak Island Association also did some work at Smith's Cove by drilling a few shafts in an attempt to shut off and seal the alleged flood tunnels. While the Lagina brothers and metal detection expert Gary Drayton have mostly found mud, wood, and various metal tools, they along with an assortment of science and archaeological experts . [b], The first published account took place in 1857, when the Liverpool Transcript mentioned a group digging for Captain Kidd's treasure on Oak Island. They say that big things come in small packages. The Lagina brothers are the ones searching for treasure on Oak Island at the moment. B y most accounts, the story of Oak Island's Money Pit begins in the summer of 1795 when a teenager named Daniel McGinnis saw strange lights on an island offshore from his parent's house. Instead of pointing to a possible position in the method of trial and error. The Curse of Oak Island is never short of exciting developments, even if the Lagina brothers arent making major discoveries every single episode. [17], In his 1872 novel, The Treasure of the Seas,[42] James DeMille describes being a summer resident of Chester Basin during the later 1860s. This was apparently several years later when the Onslow Company decided to explore what was hidden below 30 feet. Its resemblance to a human-made pit has been suggested as partly due to the texture of natural, accumulated debris in sinkholes: "This filling would be softer than the surrounding ground, and give the impression that it had been dug up before". [40] An undated post-1893 letter by William Blair read, "Jefferson W. McDonald, who first mentioned Oak Island to me in 1893, worked under George Mitchell. Center Road Developments, in conjunction with Allan Kostrzewa and Brian Urbach (members of the Michigan group), had purchased Lot 25 from David Tobias for a reported $230,000 one year before Tobias sold the rest of his share. He well remembered seeing the stone as a boy. William Chappell and his son Melbourne R. Chappell were also a big help, with this father and son being involved in the Oak Island excavations in the 1900s. They could stock up on supplies like wood and water before going on their way. His son then went down the shaft, and also lost consciousness. The siblings were reportedly quite young when they became passionate about hunting for treasure, and where better to look than Oak Island? The theory goes that someone fled to Oak Island during a conflict and buried their treasure here as a result. According to Blankenship and Tobias, cameras lowered down the shaft into a cave recorded possible chests, human remains, wooden cribbing and tools; however, the images were unclear and none of the claims have been independently confirmed. In 2005, a portion of the island was for sale for US$7 million. Thats apparently still the case, given that the stone is allegedly now missing. As of writing this article, six men have died looking for the treasure. It seems their passion for uncovering the mystery of Oak Island stemmed from a Readers Digest article published in 1965. "Southern Vancouver Island is a significant area for sure," says Newell. The site consists of digs by numerous individuals and groups of people. Since the 18th century, attempts have been made to find treasure and artifacts. The team then went to Domme Prison in France, where Templar knights were once imprisoned. Williams efforts paved the way for the Lagina brothers. [12] When efforts failed to shut off the flood system, one final shaft was dug 118 feet (36m) deep with the branched-off tunnel going under the original shaft. Article in October issue, cited in Crooker 1978, 8586. The Treasure Trove License was responsible for confirming this, providing the Lagina brothers and their colleagues with more motivation to keep at it. Oak Island treasure found | News, Videos & Articles Oak Island Treasure Found B.C. 'Oak Island Secrets'. Was the treasure found on Oak Island? Restall, his son, Graeser and Hiltz all died. In an 1863 newspaper article, the stone was said to have been built into the "chimney of an old house near the pit". At a point where the earth was soft, "At about two feet down a layer of fieldstone was struck. The maid fled to London with the jewels, and perhaps artwork, documents and other treasures, secreted on her person and/or in her luggage. The Oak Island Treasure is at Mercy Point. In this rendering McGinnis first finds the depression in 1795 while on a fishing expedition. Since the 19th century, explorers have tried to locate the loot. I think . [52], Franklin D. Roosevelt, stirred by family stories originating from his sailing and trading grandfather (and Oak Island financier) Warren Delano Jr., began following the mystery in late 1909 and early 1910. Zena Halpern didnt just write about a connection between Oak Island and the Knights Templar because she felt like it. Sure, theyd likely been left behind by people digging in the area, but where were they digging to? Michigan Brothers Finally Unearth 220-Year-Old Secret Hidden In Oak Island By Hannah Pennington, Published on Jul 28, 2022 They say that big things come in small packages. In 1939, he informed King George VI about developments on the island. http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Richest One of the "best" accounts of what happened with the Truro Company later appeared in the "1893 Oak Island Treasure Company Investment Prospectus". According to an account written in 1862, after the Onslow Company had excavated to 8090 feet (2427 metres), the pit flooded with seawater up to the 33-foot (10m) level; attempts to remove the water were unsuccessful. However, that doesnt mean their interest in finding the alleged treasure buried here hasnt been years in the making. Anyone can buy a metal detector and use it to find treasure. The auger passed through a spruce platform at 98 feet (30m), then hit layers of oak, something described as "metal in pieces", another spruce layer, and clay for 7 feet (2.1m). Steven Aitken is not the first to call the Money Pit a sinkhole. [62] The "platforms" of rotten logs have been attributed to trees, damaged by "blowdowns" (derechos) or wildfires, periodically falling (or washing into) the hollow. Oak Island has seen many visitors over the years as people have tried to solve its mystery and unearth the alleged treasure. Money is always a good indicator that further treasure might exist nearby, so this discovery was a real accomplishment for the Lagina brothers. Howlett, A. His experience with coastal mining meant digging a pit that extended beyond the seabed was within his capabilities. Thats why the pair have been keen to explore plenty of the island throughout the filming of their show. [73], In his 1953 book, The Oak Island Enigma: A History and Inquiry into the Origin of the Money Pit, Penn Leary wrote that the pit was used to hide manuscripts indicating that Francis Bacon was the author of William Shakespeare's works and a leader of the Rosicrucians. [10] The last major company of the unpublished era was called The Truro Company, which was allegedly formed in 1849 by investors. Another popular theory is that the alleged treasure could have been buried by pirates. Drayton has previously shared some of his methods in the books that hes written, where hes talked about how best to find things in different environments. [6] The three men reportedly abandoned the excavation at 30 feet (9.1m) due to "superstitious dread". This slower pace and lack of discoveries could potentially be quite discouraging for the team working with the Lagina brothers. Thankfully, Oak Island has continued to serve them well, offering up some incredible finds, like the Roman sword they unearthed in season three. According to an undocumented story, Marie Antoinette instructed her maid (or a lady-in-waiting) to flee with her jewels. [51] It was found that Kempton had stated in a letter dated April 1949 that he had obtained his information from "a school teacher long since dead". That might just be the case for Oak Island, an island off Nova Scotia thats only 140 acres but is home to some incredible findings. Are a true believer or a lady-in-waiting ) to flee with her jewels the depression in while. The knowledge and the skill to create something like this in 1939, he enough. Account of an excavation of the Island he recovered enough to help the Lagina brothers seemed! Into finding treasure on Oak Island Island and the excavation oak island treasure found 2021 again breached keep your eyes on the.... 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oak island treasure found 2021

    oak island treasure found 2021