osac mexico 2021 crime and safety report

The governments National Council of Norms and Labor Competencies certified law enforcement internal affairs investigators and created standard internal affairs training to promote transparency and accountability. The third and fourth stages will be complete in 2021, extending the tramline to the Luxembourg Airport, the Luxembourg train station, and the neighborhood of Cloche d'Or. Restrictions were officially placed on March 18 to retain the . The law establishes a requirement to observe parity in the designation of public officials at every level (federal, state, local) in all three branches of government. The pandemic severely impacted the economy, resulting in a significant increase in the number of children engaging in child labor. The government approved the National Work and Employment Program for People with Disabilities 2021-2024, aimed at strengthening labor inclusion of persons with disabilities and supporting the employment of persons with disabilities in decent work. Spousal rape is criminalized in 26 of the 32 states. Penalties were commensurate with other similar laws but were rarely enforced. Federal law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. The most common aggressions were intimidation and harassment, followed by threats and physical attacks, according to civil society groups. Concerns persisted regarding organized criminal groups use of physical violence in retaliation for information posted online, which exposed journalists, bloggers, and social media users to the same level of violence faced by traditional journalists. In July 2020 the CNB launched a public version of the National Registry of Disappeared and Missing Persons. Government authorities also reported an increase of 73 percent in online child pornography distribution during the pandemic. The law also provides for the rights of appeal and of bail in most categories of crimes. The presidential cabinet had 19 secretariats, and as of August women headed seven. Politicians publicly discredited and criticized such journalists, however. The COVID-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The virus was confirmed to have reached Guinea-Bissau in March 2020.. Guinea-Bissau reported their first two cases of COVID-19 on March 24, 2020. Lopez had filed a complaint with the Interior Secretariat asking for greater government intervention in the indigenous Tsotsil regions following increased drug trafficking-related violence. Civil society groups claimed police routinely subjected LGBTQI+ persons to mistreatment while in custody. In November 2020 a judge suspended five officials from the Mexico City Prosecutor Generals Office for failing to search for Fatima within 72 hours after she went missing. Yet, the 2022 outlook for both the rule of law and public safety in Mexico and meaningful U.S.-Mexico security cooperation remains bleak. Labor inspections focused on the formal sector, leaving informal workers with no labor law protection. As mentioned in the Justice in Mexico 2020 Organized Crime and Violence Special Report, Guanajuato is one of the major hot spots of violence in Mexico. Some NGOs alleged individuals who organized campaigns to discredit human rights defenders at times acted with tacit support from government officials. The new wage applied to all sectors and allowed an earner to reach or exceed the poverty line. In January 2020, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a report on Guatemala, referring . There were high rates of impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. By law the government collected biometric data from migrants. Violence by organized criminal groups often prompted the incidents, which took place in 10 states and displaced 11,560 persons as of August. In February authorities arrested 12 state police officers in Camargo, Tamaulipas, on homicide charges in connection with the massacre and burning of the bodies of three smugglers and 16 Guatemalan migrants en route to the United States. INEGI reported that 2 percent of the population (2.5 million) self-identified as Afro-Mexican. In many parts of the country, human smuggling organizations wielded significant power, and media alleged frequent collusion among local authorities. The INE requested information from all 32 states, reviewed a sample of 1,177 of the 6,962 federal deputy candidates, and canceled the registration of three candidates for filing false reports. In May in Chicoloapan, state of Mexico, municipal police beat and detained supporters of feminist groups as they led a protest against gender-based violence and political parties. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Section 1. Barriers to accessing contraceptives stemmed from lack of knowledge, poverty, lack of access to health services, and sexual violence from family members, strangers, or friends. In July the army provided reparations to two of the three families of persons killed in July 2020 by soldiers in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, during an encounter with suspected cartel members. President Lopez Obrador condemned the threats, and the Interior Secretariat confirmed that authorities would grant Uresti protection measures. High levels of impunity, including for killings or attacks on journalists, resulted in self-censorship and reduced freedom of expression and the press. Between September 2020 and June, the STPS reported conducting labor inspections in 22,350 work centers nationwide benefiting more than three million workers. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report's publication assesses Peru at Level 2, showing travelers should exercise increased caution. Mexico has relied heavily on the military to control drugs and fight organized crime, leading to widespread human rights violations. . There is no single independent oversight mechanism to review police actions, but many federal and state security and justice sector institutions have internal affairs units providing internal supervision and promoting best practices for transparency and accountability. In 2016 all civilian and military courts officially transitioned from an inquisitorial legal system based primarily upon judicial review of written documents to an accusatorial trial system reliant upon oral testimony presented in open court. July 2022. According to NGOs, however, the state search committees often lacked the capacity to fulfill their mandate. The government continued its efforts to strengthen freedom of association protections, promote union democracy, and improve the ability of workers to bargain collectively. Federal law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights. Between August 23 and August 27, hundreds of migrants from Haiti, Cuba, and Central America protested in front of the National Migration Institute offices in Tapachula, Chiapas, to demand expedited refugee proceedings that would allow them to move freely throughout the country. The Federal Center, however, estimated that only 10 to 15 percent of those collective bargaining agreements would undergo a legitimization vote because the worksite where the agreement was valid had closed, the work for which the agreement was negotiated had concluded, or the contract was a protection contract held by a nonrepresentative union. Child Abuse: There were numerous reports of child abuse. Institutionalized Children: Civil society groups expressed concern regarding abuse of children with mental and physical disabilities in orphanages, migrant centers, and care facilities. Of the 32 states, 24 criminalize sexual harassment, and all states have provisions for punishment when the perpetrator is in a position of power. This Standards Bulletin from the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science provides a monthly update on: Standards moving through the OSAC Registry approval processes for published and OSAC Proposed Standards. Following the introduction of the accusatorial justice system, however, there was a significant reduction in the number of persons detained in this manner, falling from more than 1,900 in 2011 to 21 in 2018. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process, Section 4. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor, c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment, d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation. With a constituency of 4,600 U.S. companies and other organizations with . Journalists could criticize the government and discuss matters of general interest with no restrictions. Contents1 What is the crime rate in [] In June a federal judge sentenced Juan Francisco Picos Barrueto to 32 years in prison for the 2017 murder of journalist Javier Valdez Cardenas. The law criminalizes sharing, distributing, and publishing intimate sexual content (including photographs, audio, and videos) featuring individuals who have not explicitly given their consent, with penalties of up to six years in prison. In March police officers broke the neck of Salvadoran refugee Victoria Salazar. On August 28, approximately 500 migrants, the majority from Haiti, started a caravan from Tapachula to Mexico City to obtain expedited asylum processing. You can add more than one country or area. Additionally, some indigenous students did not receive the breakfasts and lunches normally included in the full-time school meal program, according to a UNESCO study. In August the Mexico City congress approved a reform allowing LGBTQI+ children ages 12 years and older to legally change their gender on their birth certificate. Many workers were compelled into forced labor through debt bondage, threats of violence, and nonpayment of wages by recruiters and employers. The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is responsible for independently investigating security force abuses, including killings, and can issue nonbinding recommendations for prosecution. Police occasionally failed to provide impoverished detainees access to counsel during arrests and investigations as provided for by law, although the right to public defense during trial was generally respected. In June authorities sentenced Quintana Roo police officer Miguel Mora Olvera to five years in prison for his role in torturing Cacho. It was created in 2019 to bring together national and international forensic experts to help identify 37,000 unidentified remains held in government facilities, coordinate implementation of the general law on forced disappearances, and allocate resources to state search commissions. The government did not effectively enforce the law. Black migrants reported migration authorities detained Black migrants for longer periods than other migrants. Nonetheless, NGOs and media reported on sexual exploitation of minors, as well as child sex tourism in resort towns and northern border areas. Rape and Domestic Violence: Federal law criminalizes the rape of men and women, including spousal rape, and conviction carries penalties of up to 20 years' imprisonment. Criminal cases related to such violations were rarely carried out. It is also a criminal offense in all states. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and NGOs expressed concerns regarding arbitrary detention and the potential for it to lead to other human rights abuses. Huehuetenango Department (except the city of Huehuetenango) due to crime. 4 The authorities failed to properly safeguard the evidence collected, examine all lines of investigation and correctly apply a gender perspective. If the relevant authority accepts a CNDH recommendation, the CNDH is required to follow up with the authority to verify that it is carrying out the recommendation. Independent Monitoring: The government permitted independent monitoring of prison conditions by the International Committee of the Red Cross, CNDH, and state human rights commissions. Several indigenous communities denounced the governments plan to build the Mayan Train, an estimated $7.5 billion dual cargo-passenger railroad to cross the Yucatan Peninsula through indigenous lands. The procedure known in Spanish as arraigo (a constitutionally permitted form of pretrial detention employed during the investigative phase of a criminal case before probable cause is fully established) allows, with a judges approval, for certain suspects to be detained prior to filing formal charges. According to the Mexican Commission for the Promotion of Human Rights, from 2006 to 2020, federal authorities issued 27 sentences for torture. The Jalisco government disarmed the municipal police force of Ixtlahuacan and turned over public security duties to the National Guard and the Jalisco Secretariat for Public Security. The reforms also establish an expedited and more transparent judicial process for unions to obtain collective bargaining rights. Crime in Mexico City, Mexico. State and federal prosecutors are independent of the executive branch and have the final authority to investigate and prosecute security force abuses. The CABs continued failures to administer and oversee procedures related to union activity impartially and transparently, such as union elections, registrations, and strikes, undermined worker efforts to exercise their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. Following Ramos killing, Cecilia Flores, the leader of one of the search collectives in which Ramos participated, received death threats. The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, and the government took steps to increase its legal authority to pursue these crimes. Citizens hoping to obtain temporary, legal employment in the United States and other countries frequently paid recruiters hundreds or thousands of dollars in prohibitive fees to secure jobs, and many prospective workers were promised jobs that did not exist. Abuses of time limits on pretrial detention were endemic in state judicial systems. The government deployed hundreds of security forces to contain the caravan. At the federal level, the Secretariat of Social Development, Prosecutor Generals Office, and National System for Integral Family Development share responsibility for inspections to enforce child labor laws and to intervene in cases in which employers violate such laws. Hundreds of thousands of workers continued to work in foreign-owned factories, mainly in northern border states, producing electronics, medical equipment, and auto parts. The OSAC Registry is a repository of high-quality, technically sound published and proposed standards for forensic science. This practice violated federal law and restricted workers rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Organized criminal groups reportedly continued to oversee illicit activities from within penitentiary walls, and rival drug cartel members often fought in prison. Defendants have the right to attend the hearings and to challenge the evidence or testimony presented. On July 21, Merida, Yucatan, municipal police detained Jose Eduardo Ravelo Echeverria. Defendants have the right to a presumption of innocence and to a fair and public trial without undue delay. A variety of domestic and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. The COVID-19 pandemic generated additional risks and exacerbated vulnerabilities for IDPs, including overcrowding in shelters and difficulty accessing food, basic health care, and education. The constitution allows any person to arrest another if the crime is committed in his or her presence. A 2019 CNDH poll found six of every 10 members of the LGBTQI+ community reported experiencing discrimination in the past 12 months, and more than half suffered hate speech and physical aggression. Under the accusatorial system, judges conduct all hearings and trials and follow the principles of public access and cross-examination. Pretrial Detention: Lengthy pretrial detention was a problem, and authorities did not always promptly release those detained unlawfully. The NGO Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights identified 15 incidents between January and July of mass forced internal displacement (defined as the displacement of at least 10 families or 50 individuals) due to violence. The government, in conjunction with international organizations, made efforts to promote the safe, voluntary return, resettlement, or local integration of IDPs. Some companies reportedly did not implement effective protective measures for employees, and one factory, owned by Eaton Corporation in Baja California, was operating illegally and was closed after it placed chains on its doors to prevent 800 workers from leaving. In April the STPS suspended a legitimization vote at the General Motors plant in Silao, Guanajuato, due to serious irregularities during the vote. The Interior Secretariat reaffirmed its commitment to protect refugee applicants even as the country experienced an unprecedented number of applicants. The CNDHs 2020 National Diagnostic of Penitentiary Supervision reported that state prisons were understaffed and suffered from poor sanitary conditions as well as a lack of separation between those sentenced and those awaiting trial. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. Most of these complaints were against authorities in the Prosecutor Generals Office, National Guard, Interior Secretariat, and the armed forces. Indigenous persons generally had limited access to health care and education services. Lead a diverse and talented team to protect our people, assets and operations in the Americas region. Federal and state databases were incomplete and had data-crossing problems; forensic systems were highly fragmented between the local, state, and federal levels; and the sheer volume of unsolved cases was far greater than the forensic systems were capable of handling. A report from the Black Alliance for Just Immigration found black migrants faced widespread racial discrimination from individuals and authorities, particularly in accessing employment and services. The law prohibits the worst forms of child labor. In January 2020 the government raised the minimum wage. Federal government funding for womens shelters for the year was the same as in 2020. The law prohibits children younger than age 15 from working and allows those ages 15 to 17 to work no more than six daytime hours in nonhazardous conditions daily, and only with parental permission and permission from the labor authority. Freedom Houses 2021 Freedom on the Net report categorized the countrys internet as partly free, noting concerns regarding online manipulation tactics, potential for politicized content removals, high levels of violence against digital reporters, and investigations surrounding abusive surveillance practices. For example, the office issued three arrest warrants in the case of the August 2020 killing of Juan Nelcio Espinosa, an independent journalist in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, who died while in police custody. Before a strike may take place, a union must file a notice to strike with the appropriate CAB, or the appropriate labor court once they are operational. According to the National Womens Institute, the federal institution charged with directing national policy on equal opportunity for men and women, sexual harassment in the workplace was a significant problem. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . Contents1 Where does Cuba rank in [] These included low wages, contentious labor management, long work hours, unjustified dismissals, a lack of social security benefits, unsafe workplaces, and no freedom of association. As of June, 58 percent of women in federal prison and 51 percent in municipal and state prisons were in pretrial detention, while 42 percent of men in the federal and local judicial system were in pretrial detention, according to a report from the Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection. This report details El Salvador's crime and safety reports. Journalists reported altering their coverage due to a lack of protection from the government, attacks against members of media and newsrooms, and threats or retributions against their families, among other reasons. In addition to the outstanding Zeron arrest warrant, the Special Unit for the Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa case issued 12 warrants and made 10 arrests for investigative irregularities, such as torture and obstruction of justice. Disappearances remained a persistent problem throughout the country, especially in areas with high levels of cartel or gang-related violence. A 2019 constitutional reform increased the number of crimes for which pretrial detention is mandatory and bail is not available, including armed robbery, electoral crimes, fuel theft, and weapons possession. NGOs reported no changes in the mental health system to create community services or any efforts by authorities to have independent experts monitor human rights abuses in psychiatric institutions. Index; Crime Index: 68.49: Safety Index: 31.51: Crime rates in Mexico City, Mexico. Victims relatives and civil society continued to criticize handling of the original investigation by the Attorney Generals Office, noting there had been no convictions related to the disappearances of the 43 students. For more in-depth information, review OSAC's Venezuela country page for original . Governmental Posture Towards International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human Rights, Section 6. The Catholic Multimedia Center reported that criminal groups harassed priests and other religious leaders in some parts of the country and subjected them to extortion, death threats, and intimidation. In addition to criminal libel and defamation laws, civil law defines moral damage as similar to defamation concerning harm to a persons feelings, affections, beliefs, dignity, honor, reputation, and privacy, according to the NGO Committee to Protect Journalists. The law provides for the right of indigenous persons to elect representatives to local office according to uses and customs law (see section 6, Indigenous Peoples) rather than federal and state electoral law. While on average informal workers earned less than the minimum wage, in some areas, such as near the northern border, informal employment could pay more than formal employment in the manufacturing sector. In October and November, I spent several . Following the August 2020 killing of Pablo Morrugares, El Diario de Iguala newspaper published a note blaming organized crime and Governor Hector Astudillo Flores administration for violence against journalists and impunity. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and Other Media, b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association, d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country, e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons, Section 3. Rather than receiving daily wages once a week, as mandated by law, day laborers had to meet certain harvest quotas to receive the promised wage. In-country Movement: There were numerous instances of armed groups limiting the movements of migrants, including by threats and acts of kidnapping, extortion, and homicide. Inspectors generally were permitted to examine the informal sector only in response to complaints. OSAC's Mission and Values: As threats continually arise and evolve across the world, U.S. organizations require a trusted network of support to maintain peak awareness and readiness to respond.OSAC is dedicated to maintaining strong bonds between public and private security professionals to provide these organizations with the broadest security perspective and widest scope of support. Femicide is a federal offense punishable by 40 to 70 years in prison. Indigenous persons in isolated regions reported incidents of forced labor in which cartel members forced them to perform illicit activities or face death. The UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented cases in the states of Mexico and Chiapas in which detainees remained in pretrial detention for more than 12 years. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law prohibits the commercial sexual exploitation of children, and authorities generally enforced the law. The constitution provides indigenous persons the right to self-determination, autonomy, and education. Occupational Safety and Health: The law requires employers to observe occupational safety and health regulations, issued jointly by the STPS and Institute for Social Security. According to the U.N., the murder rate is 4.6 per 100,000 people, which is one of the lowest in the Caribbean and South America. As of July, 94 percent of active unions under federal jurisdiction had registered their amended statutes with the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), but only 39 percent of active unions under local jurisdiction had registered their amendments with the CABs. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. Factors associated with maternal deaths included parents with lower levels of education, poor hospital infrastructure and human capacity, and lack of access to maternity care, especially for pregnant women living in rural areas. According to INEGIs 2016 National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships, 22 percent of working women reported experiencing labor discrimination within the previous 12 months. Country Summary: Violent crime - such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery - is widespread and common in Mexico.

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osac mexico 2021 crime and safety report

    osac mexico 2021 crime and safety report