valery legasov tapes transcript

This was the reason they were unusable. About nitrogen. Because the zone was still hot. It played the role of iron but without the oxidisation. russell 2000 rebalancing. The most contaminated areas had either been cleared or concreted for the builders to begin their work on the sarcophagus construction. The tragedy, of course, was the primary background against which everything was going on. Slowly, work progressed on alternative reactors. Make sure to watch his playlist with all the Tapes: Valery Legasov Tape project:Making important information accessible to the English-speaking audience. He went, had a look, and said that everything was in order and that the information was wrong. As a customer, the Finnish side demanded, having studied international experienceand by this time, an international standard had developed requiring precisely the three elements of safety: a reliable reactor, reliable operation and mandatory containment. As we were carrying out these operations to stabilise the temperature and create the filter layer, Boris Veneaminovich Gidaspov, a member of the Science Academy who had come to help the scientists that worked there (this was later, around the 10th of May), proposed an operation to suppress dust formation. To do this, a wide range of chemical solutions were tested that had to be practical, could cut off the contaminated areas while letting water through but, prevent considerable spread of dust. Eugeny Petrovich Razantzev took on this task in cooperation with helicopter pilots. [37], On 20 September 1996, Russian president Boris Yeltsin posthumously conferred on Legasov the honorary title of Hero of the Russian Federation, the country's highest honorary title, for the "courage and heroism" shown in his investigation of the disaster. Because it was clear that our devices fundamentally werent very different from the western ones, say, in their concept; even surpassing them in some aspects. This was one set of tasks. The evacuation was fast and precise, despite being carried out in unusual conditions. And not that they had any experience [to draw from]. The army divisions were primarily used to decontaminate large areas of the station territory and the insides of the station buildings. All this taken together was very unpleasant, and at the same time, hardly unique or specific to the nuclear energy industry alone. This is underwear that we were dreaming of. . It is necessary to get rid of people who interfere with work. It was the impression he made on us when we. Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (NIKIET) led by comrade Egorov supplied us with most precise data on isotope composition and on the spread of radioactivity. The question is what was needed from Moscow. Because the Pripyat river by itself formed a considerable water basin, but even more - it was flowing into the Dnieper river. How can I listen to Valery Legasov tapes? But the radioactivity that would be carried out with the smoke could heavily contaminate a considerable area of land. Prezi. Thats why the most precise information about the state of the reactor was gathered from the ratio of short-lived and long-lived isotopes of iodine-134 and -131. People were going to the shops and the city was living its semi-usual life. Either way, we didnt know the temperature inside the core; if, for example, it were to be lower than the melting temperature of iron, dropping this material would not have been effective because the iron would not melt and the mass would not stabilise. At the same time, I want to highlight the fact that although these things are irritating when faced day after day, at that moment the people were so determined, they so wanted to complete their work, that all these past cases of sloppiness did not cause any fuss or outcry. Right now, Im writing a note to Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, another one, where I say the same thing. And so I and the Government Commission had to take these decisions, come up with the action plan, get a clear understanding of the situation. The station personnel was transferred to a Pioneers camp Skazochniy, that was 10 km from Pripyat. They often practised there. As such, it became clear that lead would be an effective measure. What kind of conversation did you have with him? Thats why I understood the words of our Chairman of the Council of Ministers in a larger context, that it is not a feature of the development of nuclear energy that has come to this state, but a feature of the development of the national economy that has led to this. Legasov: He was not there. [28] Legasov had an article on industrial safety entitled "From Today to Tomorrow" published in Pravda on 5 October 1987 but it received little interest. They had to evacuate 30,000 people because of this accident. "[11], While the initial Soviet investigation put almost all the blame on the operators, later findings by the IAEA found that the reactor design and how the operators were informed of safety information was more significant. The first design mistake was that there should be at least two emergency protection systems, as required by international standards and as common sense suggests second emergency protection system must work independently, whatever the circumstances of the operator may be And finally, the third design mistake, which is hard to explain, was that all the numerous emergency protection systems were accessible to the station staff Of course, the mistakes made by the operators are well known and there is no need to list them yet again. A number of technological instruments had been replaced with either Swedish or their own, and ours had been taken out of operation. Thanks to the arrival of comrade Voronin, the overall scheme of work management had started to form. In some areas, it reduced faster than predicted by the laws of radioactive decay. All in all, this quick and diligent work of the people that were delivering the materials resulted in the reactor being plugged around the 2nd of May. The Legasov Tapes Featured August 16, 2019 Tape 1 side A Aym96/Wikimedia In all my life, it never occurred to me that I would have to start this part of my life. But it turned out that the materials needed were not there, or the material scientists didnt want to, or could not, make them. That is why it spreads. There I reported the situation. But again, a commission led by comrade Voropaev was created. Yes? This was unambiguously established by the doctors. It was clear that during such migrations there was no command centre prepared from which it would be possible to organise the work in such difficult conditions. And so, on the night of the 26th of April, all four types of codes for all types of possible hazards appeared at the Ministry of Energy. Shcherbina assigned the duties. The responsibilities were distributed in such a way that everything that was outside of the 30-kilometre zone was controlled both from the air and from the ground by the Goskomgidromet [State Committee on Hydrometeorology] led by member-correspondent Yury Antonovich Izrael. However, there were such giants, behemoths, experienced people that I thought they would not allow for something unpleasant. The provisional title of this article is The reasons that led to the Chernobyl accident and its consequences. Rarely have any of us really spoken frankly and accurate about this. It appeared that within those powerful gamma radiation fields, the neutron channel of the measuring device wasnt working, because it was affected by the powerful gamma rays, causing errors. We calculated simply. So all the nitrogen we suppliedand we did find a place for to supplying itleaked out of the zone and cooled nothing. A procedure for ordering materials was established already; a procedure for work fulfilment. Next comes the philosophy. Some amount of aerosol particles were released with ascending airflows. Of course, all this was done in the name of productivity. In other words, this issue was constantly under his control, as were all the other issues related to the Chernobyl accident. That was true indeed. And the tracking and monitoring for each one of them are very high-class. So changes to the regulation are introduced for one device but not for another. "[11] Ustynyuk emphasized the role of the harassment of Legasov by other scientific leaders in their resistance to organizational reform. There were a couple of thousand of such cars in the city. It is only for myself. A lot of dams was constructed, dykes, that were meant to hold the contaminated debris, foliage and all that had contaminated the surface of the water and prevent radioactivity from spreading along the Pripyat and the Dnieper. And yet, the gate valve that needed to be opened to determine if there was water inside the bubblers, was opened by one of the station workers in very difficult conditions. He had to leave the institute. And he did a lot to bring about Gosatomenergonadzor, where he eventually went to work, to the organization that at least controlled the composition of the equipment that went there. You know, I couldn't even assume that the Operative group would make such strong-willed purposeful decisions. Because even the best figures today show that, in solar energy, the cost of human labour will be a 100 times more for a unit of power, and the cost of materials a 150 times more, than coal and nuclear power plants. This is my point of view but I dont know how this will turn out. This part has to be stated as the completed part. Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: ; 1 September 1936 27 April 1988) was a Soviet and Russian inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. Do you understand? From a safety point of view, it even stood out as being better, as I understood from the discussions. According to their regulations, they did not have the right to declare an evacuation based on the data available to them at 11 pm. This third element was requested by the Finns. During the initial days, all this hadnt been organized and this was shocking. Around the same time when the Government Commission was already final, led by Boris Yevdokimovich Shcherbina and there were no further substitutions or replacements, around that time, by a Government decision, a Coordinating Council for the Chernobyl issues was created in the Academy of Sciences, led by Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, and I was assigned as his First Deputy. At the same time, videos and photos of the rooms of reactor number 4 were taken continuously which allowed the engineers to select the proper solutions for the construction of the sarcophagus itself. Legasov: That tomorrow, there will be 25 or more. This, as it seems to me, should be recorded because it would be foolish to say that everything is already fully apparent to us, fully clear. But, I will repeat, this was because unforeseen circumstances cropped up constantly. However, I will repeat myself that the evacuation had been carried out at such a time when the radiation levels of Pripyat were not that high; and therefore the level of contamination of the items, as well as the people themselves, was also not high. Because once we were 10-years late, then before anything, the question arose A line of cased reactors was developed in the world, similar to our water-water energy reactors VVER; like the one that had to be built near Minsk but will not be built now. You are then given special clothing, like this one, blue or white. Thats why with Ivan Stepanovich Silaev, who by this time had replaced Scherbina, we decided to: first, get some information about the levels of water in the lower barboteur. But three projects became very successful, where we found good partners, and where we put in the maximum effort, using the highest levels of the government, using the authority of Anatoly Pavlovich and the Central Committee of the party. For instance, we are not clear why there was not complete conformity in the decline of radioactivity in reactor number 4. Who would like that? Common sense would suggest that all these cases had to be simulated before the experiment, be it this particular one or any other. We arrived on the 26th at 8.20 pm. This is how the idea of channel type RBMK reactor with graphite blocks, etc came about. These questions were drafted out then. Drivable roads had to be scouted to plan routes for the evacuation. [28] He was very disappointed that he was the only member of his Chernobyl team that did not receive the award "hero of socialist labor". The work was done not only quickly, but they also sought to do it properly and, in my opinion, tastefully. Groundwater was only 32 meters deep under the Chernobyl station. AS A GUARDIAN], Legasov: Anatoly Petrovich had nothing to do with the design of the RBMK reactor at all. It would be an organisation that would be responsible for the developmental strategy of aviation. Therefore, we still cannot fully explain this phenomenon but there are such theories. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. The Science and Technology Council of the institute frequently held discussions about the conceptual issues in the development of nuclear energy, but very rarely were technical aspects talked about such as the quality of the reactors, the quality of fuel, the problems that were there. Many supervisors that should have been on the staff were just absent. It was almost by accident that he found himself included in the state commission on response to the Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986, his daughter Inga Legasova recalls. [1] Water in the lower barboteur was drained but Legasov was convinced that an explosion was not possible,[7] in contrast to what some scientists and politicians feared. It took away the heat so that the uranium wont melt. All this was delivered to relatively dirty rooms, and was prepared for eating in the same place with bare hands. Yes, he wasnt. We discovered this from foreign sources. This is the third element. He always listened to our scientific discussionswhat we would talk about, what we would needand reacted instantly. Any approach to nuclear safety of a technologically complex and potentially dangerous device must have three elements. Because he was truly familiar with how stations operated, with the quality of the manufactured equipment, with the problems that sometimes occurred at nuclear stations. But how they did it, how they made it happen, I still cannot imagine because I only know the result of their work. And a huge number of friendly telegrams, a great amount of benevolent advice: what to do, how to extinguish the fire and so on. He, of course, would call the Second Deputy of the Government Commission, comrade Silayev Ivan Stepanovich, or maybe he would call Shcherbina and talk to him, but this was not in my presence. Somewhere around the 10th day of May, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Svetliy arrived, who was called by Velikhov. Early in the morning, Boris Eudokimovich Scherbina would gather the members of the GC. Legasov was the one who pushed for honesty and evacuation of the town of Pripyat, at a time Soviet officials were trying to cover up the causes of the disaster. Because there was hydrogen in the generators in the engine room; there was engine oil. However, there were some issues. Ia dikenal sebagai kepala komisi penyelidikan bencana Chernobyl. "He wasn't meant to be. They had estimated a colossal plutonium spreading zone on the territory of the Soviet Union. Lev Alekseyevich Voronin, who was in charge of the GC at that time, quickly understood me. When Boris Evdokimovich arrived at Vnukovo he immediately boarded our plane and we flew out to Kiev. The No. The following decisions were taken. At first, he opposed it greatly, he foughtand I can prove this documentarilybut then he gave up. [7], On 5 May, Legasov was summoned to meet with the Politburo in Moscow, including Mikhail Gorbachev, to report on progress. To weld more. This was dangerous and hard work because they had to go inside the block every time and search for the most suitable spots that would reliably diagnose the condition of reactor number 4. In this context, I want to state an opinion, of which I am fully convinced, but which, unfortunately, is not shared by my colleagues, and leads to friction between us, sometimes quite dramatically. [25], I did not lie in Vienna but I did not tell the full truth. It is hard for me to say what is going on there. Recalling this trip now, I can say that I had absolutely no idea that we were driving toward an event of a planetary scale, one that would most likely be remembered alongside famous events like the volcanic eruption at Pompei and other such catastrophes. [7] Legasov reassured Gorbachev by phone that scale of contamination was understood and the reactor was not a continuing threat to other countries. After Rizhkov and Ligachev arrived on the site, as I have already said but I will repeat myself, the original GC left. This is what led them, and directed their actions. So they voted him down at the elections to the Academic Council. Unfortunately, we came across this sloppiness quite often. They did a colossal amount of work. This text is for comrade Novikov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Dyomin Vladimir Fyodorovich and Sukhoruchkin Vladimir Konstantinovich. So, no proper systematic information was provided on these questions. But these experiments showed that the products of combustion will nevertheless carry away a large amount of radioactivity with them. Even more actually because nasty isotopes would spread, much heavier than caesium that we mentioned earlier. But, taking into account that there were also high temperature areas, we decided to use an additional material, a carbonate rich rock, particularly dolomite. All in all, the accommodation issues had been solved. From this perspective, there was no understanding of the steps that needed to be taken, neither from station personnel nor from the Ministry of Energy. Then, Shcherbina, after returning from there, smashed his deputation badge with a hammer before our own eyes. But they required considerable machine-building capacities to build the case that the Soviet Union did not have. The period of August and September was a period of active preparation to launch the 1st and 2nd blocks of ChNPP. Adamovich: Who sent the first signal? As of today, it has been absolutely reliably established, and it must be unambiguously written, that there were two consecutive explosions, the second more powerful than the first. This is the thesis I want to be developed when we talk about the causes of the accident. One such unfortunate case was when some groups of soldiers had only a single dosimeter carried by their commander, who would estimate the [radiation] dose received by each soldier. Hello people! The logic behind the adopted decisions was as follows. Helicopters dropped over 5 thousand tons of various materials onto the reactor. It was already clear to us that people injured by radiation, except for those who worked at the Chernobyl station at the time of the accident, are expected to be unlikely; that the control of the population is thorough; that if the countries that came under the nuclear fallout from the accident took proper informational and sanitary measures, then there will be no real consequences to the health of the people. Although I generally believe that our science and technology has developed very successfully, by hook or crook, surprising the whole world with colossal achievements in almost all fields. This was done by initiative of Alexander Egorovich Meshkov; he was the one to issue the command, not the station management or the Ministry of Energy. [citation needed] He was a member of the Science and Technology Council of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. I was particularly horrified by a phosphorous processing plant in the Chemkent region. This was evidence that the temperatures were still high there. And it used the heat from the reactor to melt. Following the complex calculations about lead, Alexandrov, for example, couldnt understand my reasoning for a long time, why that lead was needed. The medics did not sign the protocol. This meant that they did not have time to inform some of the people or that they had come from somewhere else. But, as they say, they spat on him from the big bell tower [a Russian proverb that means to not care] because this made each station approximately 25-30 per cent more expensive. Because it has three elements: a maximally reliable device, a maximally reliable staff, and putting all this underground with maximum reliability, in a rock, under a containment. And the second part should be about how it will be necessary to inspect, control and mutually verify the level of safety in nuclear energy in the international plan. After creating the first nuclear facility, we then slowed down the development of the technology of their creation, the consideration of all the safety issues related to the operation of these devices, and later we started to rush. It was partially used in his [TEXT UNAVAILABLE IN SOURCE]. He began to ask him about the reasons for the accident, but Evgeny Pavlovich started giving very confusing explanations, and then quickly said that Valery Alekseyevich [Legasov] will explain this better, and handed the phone over to me. This general downfall of Soviet technology, the reasons for which can be discussed extensively and for a long time, it was simultaneously the beginning of Chernobyl. The number of people staying at the site was increasing day by day because each group required new assistants, who came either with devices, or with documents, or with work tools that were needed to perform a task. The pipe system of roof support would protect the sarcophagus against the possibility of radioactive dust being carried out. This colossal task was organized; even now it is hard to imagine how. There was military acceptance of each piece of equipment, specially trained personnel, the highest requirements, etc. But then we did one thing. Did Valery Legasov kill himself because of his problems with the Soviet government, as shown in HBO's Chernobyl? Because the main thing is that, in principle, it was possible to add positive reactivity with such a strong acceleration. Mayorec was already there, having arrived before the Government Commission. And I would very much like to ask to make such a statement that, as of today, we do not have safe nuclear energy, or a concept of safe nuclear energy, or even a concept of a safe nuclear reactor that is completely ready. Scribbling and formalism have reached such a scale that it is already difficult for science to bear this cross. [5] While Legasov attempted to include all the top scientists in the new organization, many objected to Legasov being given a top leadership position, considering him an upstart. And there was a lot of talk about lead poisoning. A large group of researchers from various organizations of the Soviet Union, from the Academy of Sciences , from the Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Energy(when I say Academy of Sciences , for example, I mean of course the GeoChem [] and the entire Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), this whole group of researchers was working on a detailed assessment of the radioactive contamination of the area. These decisions determined the entire order of organisational work for the rest of the period. From there, they monitored the crews that were above reactor number 4. The same was true for all materials, say, magnesium oxide, containing carbon. So that there is an understanding. Of course, many things changed as time passed, our views and ways of working. That's why a decision was made to completely replace the roof of the 3rd block, put in a new one with appropriate safety devices that would allow the necessary work to continue and launch the 3rd block of the Chernobyl NPP in time. Aym96/Wikimedia In all my life, it never occurred to me that I would have to start this part of my life. Legasov: Armen Artavazdovich, a good man. [5], In 1976, Legasov was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. For example, the fact that I learnt that Ramsomson, an American, had analyzed the safety of nuclear power plants. So I started talking to him. Of course there was a concern that if temperatures in the core were significantly higher than our estimates, say 1600-1700C, the lead would just evaporate and be carried out of the reactor, causing additional contamination of the surrounding areas and rendering this measure ineffective. He is wrong. And there never was a caseand there were many such occasions [when soldiers were asked to help]where someone, as they say, remained in the ranks, and did not step forward to help us carry out various, sometimes very difficult, tasks. The assumption was that all this lead will get into the hot zone and evaporate, which is impossible because most of it condensed at the upper levels. All this was readied but never went into action. These words were pronounced immediately and directly, Prepare for evacuation. And to carry out the tasks that I would define to limit the consequences of the accident. He organized a team in one of the industrial areas of Pripyat that would prepare these solutions. And that we are starting to research the cause of this phenomenon which, it needs to be said, is not clear to us. It made all the decisions, reviewed all the projects, all the comments, and led all the work. Various suggestions were made. This would facilitate heat transfer. Another thing that surprised me about the Operative group is that it never tried to be secretive about their decisions. All this reasoning should be correlated with actual graphs: when what was emitted and when it stopped. He replied: Yes, you will stay here and continue your work. Because a whole array of illnesses found in people, a whole array of phenomena related to the personnel who survived this tragedy, were not related to radiation sickness. This must be noted. In the last few months, I dont know what is going on because after I formed the group, I was excluded from this work. And against this background, against the background of lead contamination, to detect lead contamination caused by the 2400 tons scattered around was almost impossible. First of all, it leaked through the side gaps and practically passed by the reactor area that had the fuel; and secondly, its quantity was calculated entirely incorrectly. Reading these records makes your hair stand on ends. This village had been constructed literally in a few months. But I get only 180 and for me, a bonus of 100 roubles is important. And you go into Skazochniy where you are assigned a bed, living space and other things. Now it has merged with Minmash. 26 April 1986 was a Saturday, a beautiful day and I was thinking of either going to my university department and finishing something there, or maybe letting things slide and going with my wife, Margarita Mikhailovna, and a friend to recreate somewhere, or of going to the party activists' meeting that was scheduled at 10 o'clock at the Ministry that supervises our Institute, The Kurchatov Nuclear Institute. And under some anomalous conditions In normal conditions, of course, the graphite comes into contact only with inert material which was ensured by appropriate technical solutions. Today, our measures are planned; such and such have been implemented and such and such issues worry us. This is why we discontinued injecting liquid nitrogen. 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valery legasov tapes transcript

    valery legasov tapes transcript