zero escape birthdays

VLR Seven told him that he couldn't remember anything else and they both left to meet up with Clover. When they approached a man whom Junpei described him as "bird's nest", the man refused to give a codename and suddenly took hostage of Clover, threatening to kill her with a knife if they do not cooperate. Junpei stops her, holding her until she has calmed down and has regained some sanity. Dio then proceeded to attempt suicide with a cyanide pill, but was ultimately restrained by Sigma and later sedated by Luna with Soporil . Lotus began to tell the two their names when Seven and Junpei are surprised by her mention of Nona. He tried to ask her about it as well, but she ignored him. Dio then reluctantly escorted them to one of the other Rhizome facilities, where he knew a few acquaintances. Junpei also revealed that the Nonary Game was also played in 2018, and that it was run by Cradle Pharmaceutical. She stormed in as you were getting ready for the party, sending you and your friends scattering to different parts of Wonderland to escape her fits of rage. Seven stated that he had been a cop who was looking for the kidnapped kids back in 2018. However, it is extremely unlikely considering that Tenmyouji is next to her, and that Free the Soul practices sexual purity and is meant to "divorce the soul from lust", and that Dio already got into trouble for being involved with a woman earlier. A keypad was on it but no clues on the password for it. He has since worked closely with Seven, even helping to destroy a major base of Free the Soul. June: You just practically admitted it! Just glance down Oh crap, she turned around! She mentions an incident in their shared past where they were assigned to take care of the rabbits back in middle school. He forgot about reuniting with Akane again. If Junpei called it correctly, he calls out Mira for guessing wrong whearas it is the other way around if Junpei guessed wrong. The automatic incineration process activated and Ace taunted Snake and told him about how he had killed Clover. Male Light taking down Ace as the incineration process starts. Dio would have tortured her with his knife or murdered her by stabbing or a throat slitting. Zero Escape | Official Site | Home HOME Select Page Zero Escape Volume I Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Website Zero Escape Volume II Virtues Last Reward Website Zero She was kidnapped one year after 999 when she was 18. Seven complied with the request and got injected in the neck with a needle, which knocked him out cold. Junpei: S-SorrySadly, my plan didn't work. The first layer is a long red and black checkered flannel, slightly rolled up on his forearms. Like the other players, he wears a bracelet on his left wrist. After they were done with the puzzles and headed through a hallway, Junpei found a map of the deck they were on. Appearances Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Snake stood back up and started walking towards him. Akane confronts Junpei about him wanting Carlos to vote for Q-team but he brushes it off, not thinking of it as a big deal. Before drowning, Junpei remembered all the deaths that had occurred and wondered who could've killed them all (the killer is Ace since he was pretending to be dead and no one checked Ace's pulse). Ha ha! Seven tried to open the coffin by force but fails to. Earth's polluted red sky from nuclear fallout. As she ran past him, he noticed something that looks like a big wooden stick, sticking out from her collar. She revealed that the Nonary Game was played on the ship. Junpei decided to go with Ace and Clover through Door 1, leaving Santa, June, Seven, and Lotus to go through Door 6. K A mysterious man in a suit of armor in Virtue's Last Reward. Quark *Akane Kurashiki (fianc) * An old woman appeared in the hologram, who Tenmyouji recognized as Akane. In the Cyan door route (pictured right), Dio foreshadows one of his possible fates. Dio attempts to kill Phi by breaking her spacesuit with a rock. He had no knowledge of his adoption until he was seven, when he began to suspect that Tenmyouji might abandon him once he was able to live on his own. After heading down the hallway, they found a large door which they immediately assumed to be locked. Whether she's lying or not, I'm not sure. While they were waiting, Ace asked Lotus to go somewhere with him, saying he wants to show her something. (SERIES-WIDE SPOILERS!!) The clock chimes, signaling to the players that it was three in the morning. Following Phi's ending, everyone cooperates so that everyone has at least 9 BP to escape the facility, though they leave Dio behind because of his Myrmidon status. After a couple of seconds, the 9th Man soon realized that the DEAD inside the door wouldn't work with just himself so he begged Junpei and the others to help him escape before it was too late. Clover leapt into Snake's arms and tearfully welcomed him back to the group. However, Quark said they were talking too fast, suffering the first affects of Radical-6, but states that he is fine now. Root beer was an extremely rare drink and a luxury in the post-apocalyptic world and costed a fortune. Junpei then tricked Ace into admitting that he had prosopagnosia to the entire group. Tenmyouji recognizes her and becomes very depressed because of this. Once they headed downstairs, June's fever returned, and she collapsed. After receiving the Safe ending, the True ending can be unlocked. After some time, he woke up to find himself in a cell. Welcome to Beyond Charts. Junpei tells Akane that he is going to check a nearby submarine, but Akane tells him not to go, and instead, be close to her when she dies because she doesn't want to die alone. The only possible option had everyone except Junpei, June, and Clover working together. She refused, saying that she did not want to talk about it, but asked him about whom he suspected to have killed Snake. They split up and Junpei headed to E Deck to continue his search for Clover. WebZero Escape, formerly released in Japan as Kyokugen Dasshutsu (Japanese: , lit. He began to mumble about Cradle Pharmaceutical and told Junpei he got bits and pieces of his memory back. When she returned to Junpei, the culprits were gone, leaving Junpei covered with bruises all over his body, especially his face. His first name is revealed by his childhood friend Akane Kurashiki before the codenames are established, so the other players of the Nonary Game simply call him Junpei, though Akane calls him Jumpy (or Junpei-kun in the Japanese version). Junpei and his group rushed down the long hallway behind the door and authenticated at the DEAD with only a few seconds to spare. Zero Escape is published by Spike The two eventually took on normal behavior, and Lotus found it only more difficult to talk to them about it. In the shower room, Junpei realizes that the body there is not Snake's since it has a bone from its left arm, and he remembers Clover telling him in the laboratory that Snake's was prosthetic. Then, he realized Clover wasn't following him and Ace. The device, being separated from Dio by 1 meter, automatically activated, and he successfully managed to consume the pill and die in Alice END. The driver for all Investors is the continuous search for investment opportunities. He appeared to have been killed with the axe that was placed right next to him, and he was wearing a bracelet with 0 on the face of it. When he asked her what it was, she dodged the question, and said they have to hurry. One day, Tenmyouji got Quark a root beer float, a drink made by putting a scoop of vanilla ice cream in some root beer. Akane collapses to the floor and sobs. Hair color They rushed to to the Mercury elevators to see where they led to. Junpei went with June, Lotus, and Santa to go look at the body. Seven mentioned the safe combination Junpei had used and suggested that they try the same set of numbers on the coffin. However, the device, separated from Dio by 1 meter, automatically activated. Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward should have been Kotakus Game of the Year. Junpei: "What the hell?! Junpei and Seven informed him of everything that had happened since he was in the coffin, only omitting Clover's death. Akane crying outside the hutch of dead rabbits. Sigma asked him why he chose to betray, but doesn't answer his question, but promised him they won't open the Number Nine Door. He searches the Infirmary for a way with Quark, when Sigma enters, he refuses to answer questions about who he is or his relationship with Quark, and he berates Sigma and the other players for not trying to figure out who killed the old woman. Junpei and the group running up stairs (true end). A-Are you Junpei: N-N-No! This experiment was performed on the children in the First Nonary Game at a hospital owned by Cradle Pharmaceutical. Might've been the Q and A. I knew Santa was 24 and forgot about Lotus >.>, I was tired when I wrote this. When Quark decided he should come back and apologize, it started raining. In his own words, "I'm a hero. Ace started roaring with laughter and congratulated Junpei for discovering that he had the number 9 bracelet. Shocked at Snake's answer, Junpei started to ponder whether the Akane Snake was talking about was the same person as June. Though Clover does try to seduce Sigma, he picks ally, resulting in Tenmyouji having 8 BP. Dio eventually admitted to being a Myrmidon, and tried to kill Phi with a rock, but was quickly stopped by Sigma, who had heard most of their conversation on the radio, with the rest being static. (in response to being asked if he was already drunk). Dio investigates the Crew Quarters with Tenmyouji and Quark. The digital root of 9 doesn't work in the present, but Junpei quickly realizes that the "9" was really a "q" and that equals 26 in base-27. Occupation Nonetheless, Tenmyouji had another reason to continue to live on for: Quark. 1. lose the favors: Do people still even do party favors? He is a Hair color During his search, Santa stopped him and insisted that he should take a 4-leaf clover bookmark that he had found in the sofa. This implies that Dio was involved in watching someone's bracelet release through death, which refers to him killing Akane Kurashiki. I don't remember the date of 999 or if she has a confirmed birth date off hand though. Fortunately for Clover and Lotus, the group returns. Junpei tried to help the 9th Man by activating the RED but found it wouldn't accept his bracelet. They found that they couldn't go through Door 9, as their digital root was 5. In Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma, he is a participant in the Decision Game and a member of Team C along with Akane and Carlos. Lotus left immediately, but a pipe near the door had burst, closing it, and the handle became frozen from the inside, locking them. He told Junpei that there had previously been an experiment used to control children and recalled some of the names such as Aoi, Light and Nona Kashiwabara. Santa said he doesn't see the point of doing that, but Clover convinced him and the rest. Junpei opened the door and they found themselves in a huge library. C-team later wakes up and goes to the door with the X on it. Crestfallen, Tenmyouji took out the picture of Akane when they were children and solemnly stayed quiet and averted his gaze from the hologram. If Carlos chooses to go against his note and pick Q-team, while D-team follows the note and also picks Q-team, they will be executed. These games include: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors, Virtues Last Reward, and Zero Time Dilemma. Tenmyouji and Quark betrayed Sigma upon learning that Sigma was actually Zero upon to the hologram in the Director's Office they viewed after he forgot the picture in that room. He even warns Tenmyouji that Quark could be "a born conman". "So this time's second Zero and that Brother guy are connected?". From the very beginning though, he trusted Quark completely as, revealed later, Quark became his adopted grandson. Suddenly, someone came up behind him and told him to drop his gun. For the second round, he is paired with Phi and goes through the blue door with Luna to the Pressure Exchange Chamber. They quickly headed back up and exchanged information with Lotus and Santa, who had found Door 1. In 2064, on a rainy night, Tenmyouji found an abandoned orphaned crying baby and took him home. As he entered the Storage, he was shocked to find June, who was bleeding out on the floor, and barely alive. Sigma thinks that Akane will be in the pod but instead, a clone of Sigma appears. Junpei finds Akane lying on the floor (safe end). Alive * After Tenmyouji got better, he explained to Quark that he was an old man, and that meant he was probably going to die sooner rather than later. Junpei considered that a ridiculous idea, but tried it anyway. Tenmyouji's bloody corpse after his suicide. Alive * Aliases She asked if Junpei was sure if it was the left arm and he confirmed it. Junpei enters Door 2 with Seven and Lotus. He quickly found a way out of the cabin after solving a puzzle related to digital roots and quickly made his up towards the central staircase. Afterwards, the group went to find the others. Before they leave, Clover insisted on checking Door 3 and took Ace and Seven with her, with Santa, Junpei, June, and Lotus looking for other doors to open. He tried to recollect what happened earlier and started banging on the metal door to call for help but to no avail. Ace reveals himself as Clover's, Kubota's and Nijisaki's killer and holds Lotus hostage. While escaping, he talks about Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest theory and how it applies to the Nonary Game. 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors 100% Complete Guide by OperationKakera Ive seen some for weddings, After helping Ace look through the room, Junpei opened a drawer and found a file with the Uranus key card inside. Clover decided to finish up her story about the experiment that happened on the ship. WebZero Time Dilemma Phi X-Passes Clock. $34.16. In the cargo room, he soon discovered that Ace owned a company called Cradle Pharmaceutical and thought that he may be suffering from prosopagnosia. The conversation moves to the religious cult Free the Soul and Junpei disagrees with Akane's claim that the Zero of the last game and this game are unrelated. Dio is the only character that doesn't lose any BP during any of the routes; he almost always picks Betray, and when Quark outdid him and picked Ally against his will, he still gained BP. Suddenly, they heard a rush of water. Junpei reappears in Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. In both cases, the ultimate goal was to stop the AB Project. Junpei, Akane, Santa, and Seven investigate the shower room after leaving Lotus and Clover behind with Ace. Junpei pushed him aside and opened the coffin himself. They found a corpse of a man wearing a captain's outfit, a bracelet on his wrist that had "0" on its face, and a bloody axe next to his body. After the Second Nonary Game, Junpei became cynical and says he's "done with playing the action hero" because he "grew up". He started carrying a picture of Akane with him. He is a member of Team C with Akane and Carlos. Garden in one of the alternate timelines. Before he left the room, he told the other players that he had indirectly killed the 9th Man by lying to him about the operation of the REDs. Clover placed her hand on Junpei's shoulder and smiled. Despite this, he was shown to be very caring of other people, a trait that Akane admired. Mira then likely dismembers him and puts the parts of the corpse in the pantry. June A young and perky childhood friend of the protagonist, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. Theyre so unnecessary. This is a reference to Door q in. While looking for a way out, he heard the voices of children and realized that the kidnapped children were on board with him. Drunk on life!" Junpei solving Sudoku to save Akane's life. They decided to leave it inside of the coffin, as obtaining it would leave one player gaining an unfair advantage over the others, which would cause problems between them. It said that "Truth had gone, truth had gone, and truth had gone. Junpei sees Zero's reflection in his apartment's window. Does Virtues Last Reward deal with a lot of sci-fi Press J to jump to the feed. White Santa got angry about this and killed Black Santa. Status He pressed his buttons on his bracelet in the correct order and eight numbers blinked on the display (14383421). Before they leave, Junpei asked if Snake was sure there had been 18 kids in the experiment since the news reported on 16. They agreed to, but they had to choose their codenames since they suspected Zero kidnapped people he didn't associate with. Twitter: Facebook: For the first few days, Akane acts like they've never met, greatly annoying Junpei. my tips for a zero waste birthday party for kids and adults alike! It can be theorized that Dio would have: Given Clover his knife and told her that she could have the option of slicing her hand off to escape the handcuff. After Carlos calms him down, Akane explains that she signed up to stop a dangerous plan by Free the Soul. Junpei tried to get Santa to admit that he was Zero, but he denied it, saying that he was merely an assistant to Zero. Junpei is based on the "Challenger" Enneagram of Personality, much like how Junpei is the protagonist of the game and how he seeks the truth. The three players were daunted by the appearance of the room and Junpei suggested that they search it as fast as possible. Though Tenmyouji admitted that while it is nice to have an ideal future to work out the way Akane planned, he tells him that there is some worth to an existence that has struggled through hardships and sadness, and denies the possibility of being erased in this timeline. Santa then asked himself if he is White or Black Santa. Junpei's bracelet after entering a numbered door. Junpei later found the pocket watch needed to open the exit and the three of them continued on. Once through the Number Nine Door, Sigma, Phi, and Dio end up in another PEC chamber. They hung out a lot, going to a pool, a fair, playing snowball and card games such as Old Maid, and once went to a festival where Akane wore her late mother's yukata. The first layer is a red long-sleeved shirt. In December 2028, Junpei was a part of the team that participated in the Mars Mission Test Site (Dcom) simulation in the Nevada Desert. The smile that parted Clover's lips did not extend to her eyes, which were dead and empty. On December 28, 2028, Akane and Junpei seriously talk for the first time after the events of 999. He has also begun to plan his wedding with Akane, intending to send invitations to Aoi, Carlos, and Maria. But Seven opened the door accidentally by stepping in front of it. Underground detective * Crash Keys member * Garbage collector * At the back of the room, the group found a coffin. One example of this trait being exemplified was when Akane had her intense fevers and to Clover after Snake had disappeared and was thought to be dead. She hesitated to get into the chair and revealed to the two that she has daughters, asking the them to tell her daughters that she always loved them. One summer in 2018, Akane and Junpei were tasked with taking care of the school's pet rabbits, but one day, all of the rabbits in their hutch were brutally slaughtered, having been slashed to death with a knife. Even though he was punished harshly and purified his soul, he claimed that his dishonor remained and that completing his mission would atone for that dishonor. After having left, they found the Chapel and noticed that there are two Door 9s. The other four players caught up to them and they noted that a part on the bottom of each RED was missing. Nothing happens for 3 minutes but just as C-team starts to think that none of the other teams pressed the buttons, Zero elaborates that the showers may not necessarily activate immediately when the button is pressed so it is unknown if a button for another team has already been pressed. In the two timelines where Dio was revealed to be the culprit behind the bombs, he showed the activation device, only for Tenmyouji to knock it out of his hand. They didn't have the key to open it, so they looked around more, eventually finding a door with a Uranus card scanner next to it. It is easy to see why this name was chosen for Junpei as he is an average, yet kind guy. This gives Tenmyouji the chance he needs to knock him out. During his time in the facility, he uses his surname, Tenmyouji, in order to hide his identity from Clover and Alice. Eventually, Quark got into a fight with Tenmyouji about how the parts Quark found were completely useless. While in the PEC, Dio mentioned that he was a hero to Sigma and Phi and that he had fulfilled a mission to save the world. Clover said that Santa must have been one of the subjects on the ship with her brother, because he knew the "leaf words". Relatives Snake's explosive death in the shower room. Beyond Charts+ offers sophisticated Investors with advanced tools. The incineration process started and a computer came out of the incinerator's floor. When he reached B Deck, he encountered seven other people. Tenmyouji was strict with Quark because he wanted to make sure he would be able to take care of himself when he eventually dies and said that he never regretted adopting him. Phi and Sigma with a knocked out Dio in Dio END. Junpei proposes to Akane with her ring, though he puts it on the wrong hand. Lotus proves her computer programming skills in the laboratory. He manages to escape the facility with Phi and Sigma despite Tenmyouji and K trying to stop them. He openly says that he "doesn't care about some kid he doesn't know" to Tenmyouji and even suggests the possibility of Quark being dead. They found that in order to escape the room, one of the three players had to be a subject in a brain experiment. Male Light taking down Ace as the incineration process activated and Ace taunted Snake and told junpei he bits! Crestfallen, Tenmyouji, in order to hide his identity from Clover and Lotus, and Dio end Nonary was! 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zero escape birthdays

    zero escape birthdays