chickasaw county, ms plantations

The rationale behind this was that the first owners were doctors who frequently made the drug store their headquarters during the day. On June 20, 1836 the board met again at the Indian house near Old Houlka, north of present day Houston, to select a site for the county seat. Chickasaw Co residents realized that in order to thrive, their agricultural methods must be modernized. In the "first call" from Chickasaw Co there were two hundred and ninety-four and many young men did not wait to be drafted. By 1860 the county had changed substantially. Community Christmas trees were sponsored in these two towns throughout the 1930s. The Plantation at Coal Creek, Tuttle. The officials of Chickasaw Co attempted to levy funds for the relief of wives and widows and the children of the soldiers. Delegates from the northern counties that were created from the Chickasaw lands demanded that the Congressional candidate be chosen from their section. It was first known as Rose Hill, but renamed Okolona when it was discovered that there was already another town in MS known as Rose Hill and the original Rose Hill had already been granted a post office under that name. The Chickasaw people, for whom the county is named, left marks on the area that endure to this day The word "Chickasaw" means "Rebellion" or "He-Who-Walks-Away" and is supposedly a derivative of the name of the Indian leader, Chicka. Pontotoc soon afterward. Joel Pinson donated a plot of ground to each of the four denominations represented in Houston at its founding. The Viet Nam War split the nation, but the people of Chickasaw Co again sent sons, husbands and brothers to that far corner of the world. General Sooey Smith was ordered to move from LaGrange, TN and rendezvous with his commander General Sherman for an attack on the Confederate arsenal at Selma, AL. However, the slaves from the larger plantations who had been mistreated by their often left with the Federal troops. A second law passed five days later named John Defacement, Richard Elliot, Thomas Ivy, Thomas Gates and Benjamin Anderson as commissioners for the purpose of organizing the county. Whether or not the ancestor is found to have been a slaveholder, a viewing of the slave census will provide an informed The following information is based on excerpts from the "History of Chickasaw Co, Vol I" published by the Chickasaw Co Historical and Genealogical Society, Copyright 1985. The Hopewell Treaty became the first in a series that diminished the rights of the Chickasaw people. Property owners in the county suffered losses on many fronts as a result of the war, especially in the destruction of the countys economic infrastructure. Hogs were 1870 and 1960, the transcriber did not take into consideration any relevant changes in county boundaries. A more enduring business was established by Charles Dibrell and this establishment was still active in 1860. This school served both male and female students from grade one to college. likely possible places of relocation for colored persons from Chickasaw County, included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13S, R3E, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. The average slave owner owned eight slaves; but the larger slave holders owned between thirty and one hundred slaves. This ladies and gentlemen, is caressingly termed -- a tractor." The old Methodist Church bell Under the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the Indians were finally driven from Chickasaw Co. Jackson passed through the area on his return from the Battle of New Orleans in Feb 1813. After the 1875 election in which the Republicans throughout the state were defeated; the losers requested Federal troops to put them in office. Most businessmen in Houston and Okolona signed up for the National Recovery Act agreeing to pay a minimum wage, set specific business hours, etc. Bynum Mounds take their name from the owner of the land and are classic examples of the burial mounc. Learn more. By the 1870 census, the white population had increased 34% to 9,830, and checked also. The elevation is 354 feet. The Agricultural High School at Buena Vista frequently sponsored programs on farm topics that were open to the public. was a primary school for boys conducted in the basement of Okolona Presbyterian Church. Blues musician Booker Bukka White was born in Houston in 1909. Gen. Ord, commanding the AR/MS district ordered another constitutional convention in Dec 1867. As of the 2010 census, the population was 17,392. Early "cottage" type industries included boot and show making and the manufacture of buggies and wagons, tinware, coffins and furniture. African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Chickasaw County, Mississippi in 1860, if they have an idea of the surname of the slaveholder, can check this list for the surname. The slaves on the smaller farms, who were likely to have worked with the master and his sons, remained faithful to their Sheep was raised for the wool and every farm had a flock of chickens and many orchards were found on the farms. Red Harrell Reid, editor of the "Hummer" a county newspaper wrote in Nov 1915: "There is a strange looking object looming up on the agricultural horizon -- a sort of geared grasshopper, an aluminum, camel humped denuded motor equipped with one or more span Chickasaw County experienced considerable growth during the first few decades of the twentieth century. The county takes its name from the regions native inhabitants and was formally established on 9 February 1836. The white dog preceded the group, guiding them around natural barriers that they encountered. 38801 Homes for Sale $165,701; 38863 Homes for Sale $159,248; 39773 Homes for Sale $133,682; 39730 Homes for Sale $115,291; 38851 Homes In 1877 a private school for girls was opened. In Aug 1836 a survey was conducted and lots in the new town sold quickly and enough money was made available for the construction of a brick court house on the town square and a jail to be located one block to the north. enemies". The palatial dwelling on Windsor plantation, near Bethel Church in the southwestern part of the county, burned to the ground last Monday. On a national level, Democrat candidates consistently carried the county, but it was not unusual for a popular Whig to win in a sate or local election. Wallace A. At the head of navigation on the Chuquantonchee Creek, it was an important port for the shipping of agricultural products to the port of Mobile. Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of the holders with information on The town of Sardis is the county seat for the First District, the northern part of the county, and Batesville is the county seat for the Second District, the southern part of the county. Discover Calhoun County County Mississippi plantation land for sale. When Jefferson Davis Rev. Several wells were drilled in the northwestern part of the county, but were later capped or abandoned. leaving from Houston were all volunteers and was made up of individuals from all parts of the county., Written by Mississippi Encyclopedia Staff. This was the only major highway through the county that had not been paved during the 1930s. He was seriously wounded twice, but lived through the war and returned to serve his native state in the Legislature. The number of black slaves in 1840 was 807; in 1850 was 6,480 and by 1860, slaves outnumbered the white population by 2,000. [2] The land on which the home stands was bought by Gordon from a Chickasaw woman, Molly Gunn, daughter of William Colbert and wife of James Gunn. But the demand for milk needed for soldiers stationed at Camp McCain in Grenada necessitated the creation of Grade A dairies. The treaty of Pontotoc opened the door to land companies and the formation of Chickasaw Co. Land was bought from the Indians and resold to the settlers at a higher price than was paid to the Indians. They elected J. T Griffin and T. S. Evans, Whigs who had ron on the Union party ticket, as delegates to a state convention held in Jackson to "redress grievances". 1860 slaveholder. County roads were still crude and inadequate. Discover 595 listings of Mississippi land for sale over 20 acres. Most were of Anglo-Saxon stock from the eastern seaboard states of VA, the Carolinas, By 1900 the countys population had grown to almost twenty thousand, and in 1909 the county constructed Mississippis first Carnegie Library in Houston. Farming operations were smaller and a new system known as share-cropping came into being. These stores sold medicines; but also carried a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list should not be a difficult research task, but Chisca and his brother, Chocta, were among the band of Indians said to have descended, or at least are related to the Toltecs of Mexico. Between 1840 and 1850, the white population of Chickasaw Co grew from 2,148 to 9,887. The typical Chickasaw Co family found it necessary to be self sustaining now, more than ever. Candles, kerosene lamps and gas lights were replaced by electric lights and old out houses were replaced by flushing toilets. Census data for 1860 was obtained from the Historical United States Census Data The generations, races and Chickasaw Countians from all walks of life came together in 1976 for the nation's Bi-Centennial festivities. This struggle was peaceful, but not pretty. The raising of beef cattle and dairying were coming into greater importance. party came on strongly with an anti-slavery plank, state Democrats forgot their differences. dark eyes and moved with a superior and independent air. The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. This organization provided employment to a number of young men in the county. Vestiges of the countys earliest documented culture, belonging to the Paleo-Indians known as the Hopewells, can be seen at the Bynum Mound and Village Site near Houston. One was at the Augusta Council in 1763; the other at the Mobile Council in 1765 in Mobile. In 1856 when the newly formed Republican The first Board of Police consisted of Littlebury Gilliam, Thomas Gates, Thomas D. Wooldridge, Benjamin Bugg and Asa H. Braddock who were selected in an election held Apr 23, 1836. Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches were eventually built on these plots. The page numbers used are the rubber stamped numbers in the upper In 1930, a record breaking drought gripped the entire nation and became one of the grimmest periods in the history of Chickasaw Co. Using plantation names to locate ancestors More profound changes occurred in the county during the first twenty years of the twentieth century. When the United States declared war against Germany and her allies on April 4, 1917, Chickasaw Co was ready. The Chickasaw Indians became known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes. By 1916 more than half of the Chickasaws church members were Baptistsmostly either Missionary Baptists or Southern Baptists. In 1840 Chickasaw was home to 2,148 free whites, 1 free African American, and 806 slaves. Within two years, an agent was sent to the county. Candyland, a plantation in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, was owned by Calvin Candie, the antagonist in Django Unchained. The newspaper was strongly Democrat. Rev. These farms tended to be smaller than average for the state, while the countys percentage of farms run by sharecroppers (36 percent) was higher than average. At this meeting they ordered an election for the purpose of choosing a Board of Police which would serve in the capacity similar to present day's Board of Supervisors. BABBIT & DAUBE, Aberdeen Miss., 73 slaves, page 381B, BOWEN, Keith and seven others, 75 slaves, page 343B, COOPWOOD, William C., 43 slaves, page 348B, EVANS, Joel West Point Miss., 59 slaves, page 342, KIDD, W. H. & J. K., 49 slaves, page 374B. The MS Senate passed a bill calling for a three percent sales tax and abolished ad Most families in the county had suffered losses of loved ones and material goods during the war and Reconstruction. Beinville was defeated at the Battle of Akia, fought on the site of present day The MS Exposition scheduled to celebrate the state's The government declared the remainder as surplus and disposed of the D. D. Dendy of the board of Supervisors; R. S. Mitchell, County Agent and George D. Riley, County Superintendent of Education formed a committee and met of the most slaves with the least amount of transcription work. The sweet potato industry was begun in the 1930s, but increased greatly during the war years. ancestor as a slave requires advanced research techniques involving all obtainable records of the holder. In 1849 this school was named "Houston Female Academy" and was run as a girls' school by Mrs. D. E. Turman. With the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the weakness of his successor, Andrew Johnson; tragic consequences existed for the Southerners. Goode's Circuit Clerk duties were performed by his deputy Adam Kerr Craig. When Grierson left the Kilgore plantation, he sent a detachment under the command of Colonel Hatch to destroy the railroad. (As a side note, by 1960, 100 years later, the County was In Mississippi in 1860 there were 481 farms of A number of people worked at the Gulf Ordnance Plant located at Prairie in Monroe Co. Under the 1831 Treaty of Pontotoc, these lands became available for purchase from the Chickasaw Tribe and were quickly incorporated into the United States. After the treaty was signed in Paris at the close of the French and Indian War, the land of the Chickasaws was passed from the French to the British. Patriot" and in 1854, the paper's name was changed again to " The Southern Argus" by its new owner, Jehu A. Orr. Houston : Chickasaw County : MS Sartain's Heritage Properties Located eight tenths of a mile north of Highway 8 on paved County Road 424, this 74.44 acres offers 30 acres of Palo Alto, located in what is now Clay Co, was a thriving community in the early days and was the third largest town in the county. As it turned out, the invasion began at 3:00 AM Houston time and almost everyone slept through the ringing of the bell. The presence of A & M College (now MS State at nearby Starkville) put scientific agricultural information within the reach of any Chickasaw Co farmer who wanted it. Meetings were held by most churches in the county and were well attended. Those opposed to the Compromise became known as States Rights Democrats. His army was defeated and D'Artagnette was burned at the stake. quickly reached a high pitch. term "slaveholder" rather than "slave owner", so that questions of justice and legality of claims of ownership need not be locally owned hospital until 1980 when it was sold to Brookwood Hospital Management Corporation of Birmingham. Mississippi; Chickasaw County; Chickasaw County Real Estate Facts. Their immediate duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the county seat. In April 1861, Confederate guns opened fire on Ft. Sumpter, SC and the War Between the States began. On the federal level the Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Chickasaw County was home to notable religious musicians, including shape-note singer W. A. Beasley and the Pilgrim Jubilees gospel group. This latter group was made up of individuals who opposed secession as a solution to the problem. of African Americans were enumerated as free in 1860, with about half of those living in the southern States. The process of publication of slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders A constitution was eventually written and a state government was formed with blacks filling most of the offices. The countys industrial workforce also remained relatively small, with manufacturing firms employing just seventy-eight people. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the county became united in favor of secession. If the surname is found, they can then view the The first white men to come to the area were Spaniards led by Hernando de Soto. Due to variable film quality, Probably no period in the county's history produced more changes than the 1960s and 1970s. The French and British also occupied Chickasaw lands during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. General Chalmers stopped Smith at the Houlka bottom north of Houston Radicals led by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and Thaddeus Stevens gained control of the Republican party and the what is now Calhoun Co. Two other early roads, one between Houston and Pontotoc and another that connected Houston and Aberdeen were built. The hospital moved to a new and larger building in 1957 and soon afterward the old building was torn down. Some or part of these counties were formed from land originally a numbers of African Americans on the 1870 census who were enumerated with the same surname. It should be noted however, that in comparing census data for Presumably some men from Chickasaw Co served in the Spanish-American War in 1896, but no casualties are listed and no records of Chickasaw County's participation are available. The Federal blockade of the Atlantic and Gulf ports dried up foreign markets for cotton and other agricultural products and the people of Chickasaw Co suffered. The formal boundaries for the City of Houston encompass a land area of 7.38 sq. court house are all that remain. In June 1950, the United States was once again sending its young men to war. MIGRATION OF FORMER SLAVES: According to U.S. Census data, the 1860 Chickasaw County population included Lowndes and Warren Counties in Mississippi saw increases of 6,000 and 8,000, but no other Mississippi In 1786 the Chickasaws, under Chief Peopenzo, signed the Treaty of Hopewell with the new United States government and declared themselves at peace with the United States and under her protection. Again Smith's troops broke and the Federal troops retreated to TN. Stay up to date with Chickasaw Country. Owl Creek mounds to the north of Davis Lake in the Natchez Trace Game area are examples of this type of mound. This expedition originated on the Atlantic coast of FL and moved across the southeastern part of what is now the United States and crossed the Tomspanbee River near present day Aberdeen. The prayer service was held later in the day at a more convenient time. Chickasaw County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The county's first church was a Baptist church built in 1835 in the southwestern part of the county by the A county welfare program Needy people were able to work were given "construction jobs" and others received direct relief. in Chickasaw County, accounting for 3,222 slaves, or 35% of the County total. If the surname is not on this list, the microfilm As of the 2020 census, the population was 17,106. Houston also had several drug stores. The slavery issue significantly changed both parties and eventually destroyed the Whig party. The four raids caused only moderate casualties on both sides; but the county and the Confederacy suffered heavy losses of supplies. Browse our gallery of the property or contact Mark Lewis, ALC at 662-418-4422. The school was originally founded as the MS Normal High addressed in this transcription. The hospital was located on the second floor of a brick store building located on the northwest corner of Jackson and Madison. called and Chickasaw Co proceeded to elect officials. The property consists If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information. School children collected newspapers, scrap metal, tin cans and clothing for refugees. owners. to below nine cents a pound. Hogs were Though the county was spared the constant presence of hostilities, the county was the scene of several clashes between the Union and Confederate troops. Located in north-central Mississippi, Chickasaw County possesses a notable number of creeks and lakes and is traversed by both the Yalobusha and Tombigbee Rivers. the Confederates broke through Smith's forces and moved about five miles west of the town where they made another stand. Browser, which is a very detailed, searchable and highly recommended database that can found at Location within the U.S. state of Mississippi Mississippi's location within the U.S. Coordinates: 3355N 8857W / 33.92N 88.95W / 33.92; 1939 was a poor crop year and the county found itself deeply in debt. Although most of the Klan activity in Chickasaw Co was directed towards the blacks, sometimes whites were also targeted. Later, during the Creek War, the Chickasaws refused to join with the other southeastern tribes. The blue star would be changed to a gold star when the husband, son, daughter or brother had made the As a result of these defeats, eight hundred French soldiers, five hundred of them led by D'Artagnette from a post in IL and three hundred under the leadership of Bienville, moved up the Tomspanbee River from the coast. Before Okolona soon became an important At first, they were nomadic and great traders, but eventually became more settled into their lifestyle and formed more permanent villages and practiced a primitive form of agriculture.Traces of these people might be found a few miles northeast of the town of Houston (county seat of Chickasaw Co) on the Natchez Trace at a place called Bynum Mounds. Sharkey ordered a constitutional convention The editor went on to predict this invention would make "the dealer a merchant prince, the farmer an engineer and the plow boy, a mechanic." The Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the British throughout the American Revolution. Bonds floated to repay county indebtedness did not find buyers. A generation passed before farming in Chickasaw Co ws fully mechanized but agricultural practices had undergone great changes. Following the construction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad through Chickasaw in 1859, the countys main sphere of commercial activity shifted from Houston to Okolona. Though agriculture remained the countys primary subsistence activity, the demise of Chickasaws plantation economy led to the rise of small farms and sharecropping. In 1850 a coalition of six Democrats and six Whigs met at the courthouse in Houston and drafted a set of resolutions. Several communities vied for this school in Chickasaw Co; including Buena Vista, Houlka, Woodland, Parkersburg, and Van Vleet. List of plantations in Mississippi. Cotton was the main crop; but corn was grown as food for both man and beast. Dr. V. B. Philot was the surgeon in charge. You are the visitor to this page. Also in 1930, Federal assistance in the form of reduced freight rates for emergency shipments of food and other relief to the needy began. In 1888, the Okolona City Council and a citizens' group began work on a high standard male and female college. Denominations represented in Okolona during this period were Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Roman Catholic. The property consists Box 42, Houston, MS 38851. There were some questions as to whether this would help the situation, but the merchants were eager to get on the band wagon. raised and was a primary source of meat. Although no comparison can be made between the young people of Chickasaw Co and those of the urban areas of the northeast and west coast, repercussions were felt here. In 1850, the Okolona Female College opened its doors and continued operation through the war. Eventually the section from Gibson to Hwy 45 at Aberdeen was paved. Shortly after the turn of the century, both Houston and Okolona had telephone systems. communities. Houston also had several drug stores. A shortage of cotton did not bring the price of cotton up; but prices dropped steadily, eventually dropping slaveholder. Around 1830, the typical immigrant was a family man seeking to establish a hoe. In 1915, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. This was a high standard school and combined academics with industrial training and was the alma mater of most of the black leaders of the area. In Feb 1864, the most damaging raid in the county took place. Also in operation at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century was the Buena Vista Normal College, chartered in 1885. The Chickasaw Nation is a productive corn country. These men met near Old Houlka at the home of Malcolm Magee, a half-breed Indian. In 1872 Clay and Webster Counties annexed portions of Chickasaw. some went. During these years, before federal grants and government assistance, the people had rebuilt their county. The automobile was replacing the horse and buggy and a new invention, the radio, was bringing the world into homes throughout the county. Gas stations as such were yet to be and fuel for automobiles was bought at the local drug stores. When Franklin Roosevelt took office as president in 1933, controlled inflation was instituted to make money more plentiful. Southern Mississippi Genealogical Society, 72 Boggy Hollow Rd., Johnson ; tragic consequences existed for the Southerners smaller and a citizens ' began... As free in 1860, with manufacturing firms employing just seventy-eight people get on the band wagon smaller! Troops retreated to TN group, guiding them around natural barriers that they encountered Co ws mechanized... Southern States `` cottage '' type industries included boot and show making and the Pilgrim Jubilees gospel group be.. 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chickasaw county, ms plantations

    chickasaw county, ms plantations