cydcor pyramid scheme

As time went on other factions began to split away, they changed DS-Max to Innovage and sold the DS-Max name to another company. If its typos or math, Alison has good advice. It might also be helpful to address your anxiety of presenting to authority figures. Is there someone on your team you already trust or could train to be your second pair of eyes? Of course, they may feel that you perhaps lack judgment/experience, if youre junior, theyll chalk it up to a learning experience. 5. They are ridiculous. Asking one of your peers to give your presentation a once-over for that kind of thing would be useful. I cant quite figure out how that translates to an MLM setup., but it sure sounds.vague. And even if you are held back by a lack of degree, Id consider alternative careers first unless you really enjoy the field you are in and are in a good financial position to take on the commitment (including the risk that getting a degree doesnt end up getting you the leg up you think it will). I get pretty good spelling and grammar grades with these strategies. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $63 billion in annual media investment through agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. I have never worked at X Company or even interviewed there. Calculation errors? But whether dealing with it by going through the expense and effort of getting a degree for the sake of having one is a good idea is also questionable. They call it business-to-business to save themselves the embarassment from being called door-to-door salesmen. Is this something to discuss with my manager? Oh and I was actually fired. Cydcor also has a contract that each ICL must sign with rules of how they can conduct their office. OP #1: There is no HR training. One of her own people? Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group. I bring this up because as a selectively out person I read this and thought oh god oh god please ask first, accompanied by a little pit in my stomach. I say this as someone with both an undergrad and grad degree: I feel its not worth it unless its really important to you OR you are really negatively impacted by it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I borrowed money for rent and eventually had to move back in with family and find two part time jobs as a barista/waitress to make ends almost meet. I went back to school in my mid-30s. OP didnt ask what to do about their educational credentials; they asked what to do about an HR person whos indiscriminately sharing those credentials (and who knows what other, more sensitive information) and colleagues who are laughing. I agree on #2. It was a really bad time. I lost a lot of my college friends because I lost contact because I was "working" 65 hours a week and had about half of Saturday and Sunday "to myself" but even that I couldn't get shit done. I called the next morning, at which time the CEO claimed that they tried calling me last night but it wouldnt go through (a lie) and that they wanted me to come in in a week to start. Good luck to you, OP! Felt guilty so, so much but I couldnt do anything for them (at the time). But Ive been working for 30 years and Ive (mostly) managed fine without one, as I am sure you will. But if its frequent, there can be value in saying, Im aware of this and Im doing XYZ to address it., 3. This is not standard practice for professional businesses. Post your questions here and have them answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. Among the many hats I wear I also write a lot of recommendation letters for students who are applying to colleges and universities, scholarships, and other activities such as internships and job opportunities. Someone on her team got a talking-to after they made so many asshole comments that she suggested to the team lead she transition out of it so someone whose credentials met [asshole]s needs could be added, and the team lead told the asshole that she was far more valuable to the project than he was and, given the choice, he was going to keep her before him. Yes, Fios -- I don't even like TV to be honest with you; in fact, I hate it. I love this idea! At this point, finishing his degree probably wouldnt help him at all. My Experience with a Multilevel Marketing Pyramid Scheme. I did that for 2 months before finally I got promoted. If theyre revealing this with disregard for your personal data, they are also perfectly capable of gossiping about truly confidential things and your org should worry about that. I do not have a problem with that. #1 I worked for Cydcors sister company DSMAX. In San Bernardino, California I once interviewed at a fake college that was a front for an Asian drug smuggling ring. For years people were surprised if it came up (usually as part of casual conversation about college sports) but it was only an obstacle when I was looking for a new job. Since OP was concerned about the letter looking mismatched, I think a lot of people use they so it wouldnt matter what the name was that goes with it. I am a high school counselor. At a minimum, you could write a draft of the letter using they without any explanation and see how it comes across once you actually have it written out on paper, then adjust it if it isnt clear enough. as it indicates that you have ethics. Say we owe over $22,000.00 for the rest of their so called contract !!!!!! schools require the legal name and might not have a place on application for preferred name. If the office was independent than the client would send the wire directly to the office. Do you have a trusted Co-worker that can proofread? In fact, we have been recognized as the most trusted name in customer acquisition, serving FORTUNE 500 and emerging companies since 1994. This is great advice. residual shame at working in industry vs academia?) Im not interested in leaving my employer as I have a pretty sweet deal, but I wonder if Im doing the right thing by not responding. And while it wont help your resume, neither will it be the kiss of death. 7. They kept calling everyone they, regardless of peoples actual gender and pronouns. ADHD doesnt super help, and I can go through something multiple times and still miss things. Customer acquisition programs aimed at small and medium-sized businesses match client products and solutions to customers' unique needs. There is no indication it went beyond education, but I could easily imagine the next question being about salaries. I send you all my good wishes. They will try to avoid giving the interview any chance to ask questions and are taught for their first day as an asst. Copyright 1997-2023, Ripoff Report. I think in the past theres sometimes been one or two comments like that, but never more. They control your life and money and everything before you know it. So changing up HOW Im looking at the file as well as letting me edit directly on it, helps me be more mindful and catch things I might have otherwise missed. The boss made me feel special -- he made me feel like my professional resume, academic standard, and qualifications were a perfect fit for the job, and he claimed that he was searching for a Temple student to manage the office. Again, I am so sorry. But Im puzzled as to how the pyramid part works if you yourself are not required to make an initial investment. Yes, but not when its in the persons best interest that the letter and the legal document be easily identifiable as belonging to the same person. From Cydcor website: "Cydcor is the largest provider of outsourced sales services in North America. taking a break of at least 20-30 min to do something else before reviewing. Theres always a risk if encountering implicit bias and I can understand why some people would rather not out themselves in that way, but Id be surprised if many transphobic employers thought to intentionally ask for name/pronouns of use as a strategy to weed out trans people. I think it is more making sure that they are out to the college as well. In my own case, I once missed a stupid error in a diagram that would have made me a laughingstock if it got into print until reviewing the galleys. They is a great default pronoun for people of unknown/unspecified gender, and for people who it matches, but using it when you know someone uses a different pronoun is misgendering. Yes, its not like people are writing recommendation letters for groups of people! OP3, a lot of people may not see education as private information. The new name is not one commonly associated with a male; in fact most would assume female, i.e. I try not to burn bridges because if I want to change companies in the future I might have to work with a recruiter. I interviewed at a Cydcor-like company on accident once. I am writing this for two reasons. Im sorry I wish I had a different answer for you! Intelligence cannot be taught, and book smarts only goes so far in the real world. What the HR manager is doing is simply mortifying. my staff is selling multi-level marketing products at work, my coworker makes R-rated noises, and more. The school still accepted me, and I went there! Pretty similar stuff except it wasn't door to door. For the trying to get into HR OP, Im going to say a lot depends on your area. ", 29899 Agoura Road, Suite 100, Agoura Hills, CA 91301, 1994-2023 cydcor all rights reserved | privacy policy | terms of use | sitemap, Award winning partner to Fortune 500 companies, 25+ years of customer acquisition and retention expertise, Ensures compliance with call center and in-person sales and regulatory requirements, Leverages Salesforce world's #1 CRM platform, Offers low risk, high return compensation models, Deep understanding of products, services, and customers, Ability to quickly launch and execute programs and changes, Capacity to expand from pilot to full-scale campaigns. Hey, what happened to the other people that interviewed the day before? I walk in for the first interview and make friends with the secretary- it was obvious that she banged the CEO for his job, it was just uncanny Im terrible at social things so I cannot describe this chemistry in words. I dropped out my freshman year of high school, got pregnant, had a kid, got pregnant again, had another kid, THEN got my GED just before my graduating class got their diplomas. You will see Cydcor on American Greed some day. Honestly if an executive leader is calling out a minor typo in public, they are sometimes just acting like an ass. Speaking as a college professor, there are few of us who are unfamiliar with non-binary individuals. (I have a love/hate relationship with LinkedIn). thats why you didnt make the sale. She is not allowed to spill the beans to the applicant and thus is taught to say that they will cover that in the interview. People are best off finding the quickest, easiest, cheapest, and most legitimate degree they can to tick the box. Their disadvantage was that if they wanted to move to a different job requiring similar skills, they might encounter managers who wouldnt even consider them as equal too, much less better than, candidates with degrees in completely irrelevant subjects and little or no experience. Junk mail. is it rude to leave a coworker waiting for the elevator, I recommended a friend and it went terribly, and more. You would not expect your car to go down the road on an empty tank. They tell you that you can work out a deal regarding the base pay, but that is NOT true. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. As stated in blog articles and reviews about Cydcor, they do indeed have a secretary at the front literally calling applicants for interviews as you're in the CEO's office interviewing (you can hear the pitch they gave you over the phone word for word through the wall). Cydcor is a real company and resell services for Rogers. Yes Ive done quite a bit of work producing client-facing print materials (newsletters, reports, event advertisements, event agendas, etc.) There are also phone apps that will read content for you. There is a giving side of the solution. c) Physical changes, like printing things out instead of on-screen review, possibly even w/ different font if possible; THIS IS HUGE. I use this method. I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! I deleted the previous convo cause they Press J to jump to the feed. I knew something was wrong when I showed up for my interview and there were like 15 other people sitting in the lobby. He never went to college. This was immediately confusing to me, as they said they had not sold these office supplies but cable instead (Cydcor wasnt mentioned until the first powerpoint). I can vouch that everything you're saying is true and is my experience. I hope I can encourage you to take several different actions at the same time, to help yourself rope this in. After the second interview I did NOT get a call back, although they told me that theyd call me before 7 PM that day even if it was a no. And have to train yourself not to autopilot or skim your way through. Think reign vs rain, right vs write. If was also a job with a lot of time pressure, so I did myself a favor when I got 95% of everything right after the second check. I think it generally means either one is okay (i.e. After working for 3 weeks (60 plus hours each week, and driving over 2000 miles, un-reimbursed) I got a check for $358. Yeah the idea of picking a pronoun solely based on how others feel about their identities feels very performative to me. Then Id begin to question why they so desperately needed that info. He worked his tail off and makes 7 figures at a tech company at an executive level. Did your office have a merch house where everyone lived together and practiced appropriate atmosphere behavior? I would use a search find for the first half of it, to make sure no use was slipping by not properly hyphenated. Graduated in 10, went into the interview with the promise of a marketing job, told me Id be doing door-to-door cable sales. Usually when I finish a file, I like to leave it until first thing the next morning to check before putting it in to review or at least until after lunch. You were called into an interview, and basically bullied into a job. Hiring needs to change as well as higher education. It was just an all-around bad situationdont let this be you. Each office only works with one company, therefore they are flat out lying to the individual by mentioning any other company besides the one they are currently working with. Also, you might want to try an app like Hemingway or Grammarly. 4. I have been amazed at how much changes like that prevent me from just glazing over and missing errors! If it helps at all OP1, here are some stories from others who have worked there on the antimlm reddit: They put their resume in their briefcase, 4. Typically, the fear of making mistakes coupled with the rush to complete the work came from a place of dread, fueled by the need to be on the offensive with higher-ups who were unforgivingly critical. OP 4: I did admission work for a couple different schools for several years and generally unless the rec letter is about crimes/disciplinary issues, its not going to have a minimal impact on their admission. You dont have to alternate between the two. I am not arguing for the casual and regular use of deadnames here. Ive seen over 13 people start. There are daily meetings full of meaningless motivational speeches that translate to you should be glad to be working 80-hour weeks for us, only losers wouldnt want this opportunity. (They also dont offer benefits because offices are intentionally kept too small to be legally required to provide health insurance.). I did eventually get a certification in my field, from an accredited organization again, I did that for myself, because I liked the idea of structured learning, but it wasnt a requirement for my career, and it was pure personal choice. Guaranteed most folks in the audience have had a similar experience. In the end these poor people don't realize that whatever your selling is much more expensive. RED FLAG 4. +1. Break ties with all who might want you to quit.#13 Yes. Its always good to get another person (preferably a good proofreader if one is available) to look at your work with fresh eyes. I do have my skills up, I am now the inventory manager of a plants and trees nursery because I like to spend my time at hard, honest work- I've been there for . Is GroupM a good company to work for? My boss did a great job at keeping everybody pumped up about heading out to the field. Its also a great training experience for new and junior staff Ive learned new SQL and Excel functions by seeing how other people approached it, and had good conversations with people about the relative merits of data source A versus data source B. And especially so when its held up for mockery by people clearly too privileged to recognize all the ways events can conspire to keep that little piece of paper out of reach. That is not even the interesting part, it is how the reps are taught to conduct these interviews. Everyones experience will be different, but normalizing they pronounces, as well as specifying ones pronouns even and especially when one uses the defaults, is an easy and helpful action for allies to take. I didnt. And OP#2 dont beat yourself up too much about this. I have considered using they for this reason, but didnt want to co-opt a term through some kind of performative allyship. my team planned a wine-tasting while Im pregnant, no one is paying attention to my training, and more, coworker sent me his racy photography page, do I need to give my coworkers gifts, and more. Your solution to your mistake problem begins at home with the self-care you do at home. I should mention that I am a few years from retirement (yay!) Sign in. You begin to realize just how bad it is when your executives live in apartment with 3 others struggling to live on their own. Proofreading. Hope you continue to post in future! They lie about how much you can eventually make. Its so easy to pick up other peoples errors. Personally, I think if you can find literally anything more legitimate to pay the bills for now it will be better in the long run. c the ones where my stakeholders are most likely to notice a mistake: when I presented salary figures to the CEO, he was naturally more likely to notice a mistake in the salaries of his direct reports than in those of employees with 6 manager levels in between them. Cydcor is a multi level marketing firm. The branch Im at just opened up last year has a name no one will have heard of, but the umbrella company (several levels up) is Cydcor Marketing. One of the worst experiences of my life and by far the worst professional (hah!) do NOT rush your review for errors like this. Personally, I use different pronouns at work, with friends, and with different family members. And it doesnt cost you anything. A social ceremony was performed before the lecture, where you were to stand around talking casually, but in reality the transfers approached us and tired to make us feel comfortable. As someone who has done recruitment, a reply is always appreciated even if it is just a No thanks, not interested. And just own it if an error gets called out. OP1: one step removed from your situation but Im reminded of when I realised I was working for a Ponzi scheme firm. I graduated from high school in 2009 and I got a ton of mail from Cutco and Vector and similar companies offering me jobs. Within Cydcor all sales you make for your client are paid out to Cydcor, then Cydcor dispurses the offices share to the office. The CEO's office is most likely connected to the front office so you can't see how run down the back of the cheap-rent office is. Both techniques make you really look at whats there, and doesnt let your brain fill in what it knows should be there. Im sorry to hear that, and Im sending virtual hugs is you want them. Even at Ivy adjacent kind of places, letters of rec are fairly far down the list on the list of reasons why you would or would not admit this person unless its coming from someone a building is named after/is on the board of trustees. And oddly enough, I dont confuse the more common their/there/theyre unless Im really tired. When I got to the interview, it was a sales pitch to join someones Primerica team. There was never an admin job. I was desperate for a job but I knew I could never ever ever do a job like that. But really, when in doubt, ask them. This meant we always had to bring in new customers constantly. If the errors are typos, something I do and recommend often is slowly reading your work out loud to yourself. do I still need to wear a suit to a job interview? Cydcor is known to be awful. Then just use the specified pronouns. But I dont think OP should be encouraged to get one just because she can and might appear or feel stupid without one. I got a much better paying job because I saw my worth. I also am unclear on what to do when the two pronouns arent the same (I cant think of a better way to word this) and have been attempting Internet searches recently to figure it out, to no avail. Im pretty confident in my intelligence and work ethic, but it can be hard to keep the chip off my shoulder sometimes. Their output actually decreased as they struggled to find someone to replace my role who had a graduate degree, but the boss got his raise and bonus immediately. Would you mind a quick look at this for a second pair of eyes? and encourage that person to ask you for the same in return next time they have a big deadline. Being able to put a different company name on your resume might mitigate the problem somewhat, but if a savvy interviewer digs into what the company really is, its going to be a problem. Going off to college and not being able to call your mom about your day, your friends, boys etc. Its totally appropriate to do so. SL33 (in the post Im replying to) said My guess is that you are not giving yourself enough credit for being smart!. 20 years later Im finally making money but it is on the basis of earning my way there. Id look for errors that were most significant in the following ways: a the ones that make the biggest impact on the analysis: When forecasting our HR budget, getting the salaries of junior employees wrong by 1% had a much smaller effect on the overall forecast than getting the salaries of senior employees wrong by 1%. Most, if not all, employees work in excess of 60+ hours a week and most often earn less than minimum wage. Good for fandom, bad for career advice :), I just go for the dragon age stuff. Just seeing your words in a different format is a big help. Cydcor Employee Reviews about "pyramid scheme" Updated Aug 13, 2021 Find Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 2 of over 258 reviews Sort Popular Popular COVID-19 Related Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Recent Oldest First 3.3 58 % Recommend to a Friend 100 % Approve of CEO Vera Quinn 6 Ratings Also consider whether you are making the same mistakes repeatedly or learning from them, but making new ones. Its all based on lies and deceit. At that point, Id already tainted my reputation and had been tasked with TWICE the amount of work. Apartment owner wants me to send a Is this a scam or are our mailmen just bad? Tbc, because the choice to do so should be the students, not because its bad to disclose. Im sorry you were affected by what seems like someones pathetic attempt to make themselves feel superior. There is nothing wrong with taking risks, but truly successful people take calculated risks. I dont advocate getting a degree for no reason. Or they have one, but not all of them were magna cum laude, ok? How those businesses take care of those complaints is what separates good businesses from the rest. Workforce supply and demand has changed more than the actual job requirements have. (It could be considered an advance on pay, but Im side-eyeing it really hard.) Remember with a sane and healthy boss/environment no one cares that you made a mistake. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. It's absolutely disgusting. Also you minus gas and you're very close to salary equivalent to pushing carts. I agree that the LW should reach out to student to see how they want to be addressed. I put she/they in my signature. OP2 Im curious about how senior management (ie, the audience) is able to call you out on the mistakes if this is the first time theyre seeing the presentation? If that doesnt violate any confidentiality rules. It makes me wonder what else they were sharing. I now hope that, before we go on, you understand how this is nothing more than a Vemma Energy Drink sort of fake business plan, where a product that doesnt really fit into a business is tacked on to a pyramid scheme structure as an afterthought in order to make the business legal as far as the federal government is concerned. I could go on#11 All the nagging I got if I did not work Saturdays, didn't extra mile, didn't want to train everyday, didn't want to be the last to leave#12 Yes. I love Grammerly for general typos. The day is coming to an end and the interview is coming back to the office. If the person can't they will try to convince them that they need to or the position will be gone. Its after midnight and I am tired. There are many ways to learn a skill; a college education is only one, an expensive one, and not even always the best one. I was highly skeptical after hearing back almost immediately after applying, but I was pretty desperate to find a job ASAP due to circumstances in my life at the time, that I was willfully blind to it. Im just speaking as a record-keeping professional about how this could realistically go wrong. There is a huge gap between having a degree and being educated. If you only do this for students who have made specific requests to you about pronouns, odds are youre only going to do it for trans students and itll be a way of disclosing their trans status. Some people do not come out to everyone at the same time. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you were using he pronouns with a name like Susan it could come across that way OP#5, I always reply to recruiters on LinkedIn, because I have a strong suspicion about LinkedIns algorithms. Since gaps on a legal resume tend to be viewed worse than other places, Ive found most people list the 2 month job as anyone that sees it, knows why the person left and the gap is excused. At least with the people Ive worked with in immunology, your degree doesnt tell me anything about what kind of coworker you are. On the rare occasion that college education or lack thereof was mentioned, most people were kind of surprised but that was about the extent of the conversations. The cost was subsidized but not entirely covered by the employer, but the time studying wasnt, there wouldnt be an increase in pay, and retirement was approaching. If you like the pronoun for yourself and what it means and what it says about you to the world, go for it, and of course singular they is useful when speaking about people in general or in hypothetical situations, but I dont see how cis people adopting they for themselves is furthering the cause. But I kept getting feedback from employers that it was holding me back to have an unfinished degree, so I finally went back 15 years later to complete it. If Tupperware/your standard MLM is just a baby step away from a pyramid scheme, this job is a baby step away from that. Reading some of these responses to LW 3 makes me feel like quoting the movie Matilda Dont snear at educated people. I have a Masters degree, as does everyone in my chosen profession. When you write something, your mind fills in the sentence automatically and you wont see the typos or omitted words. As for how they make money since we dont have to buy stuff, Im assuming its from the outside companies were doing sales for. At the one recruitment seminar thing I went to, once it was clear that they expected people to sell to their personal networks, I knew i could never make money (I wasnt living near my extended family, which was their main example, and all my friends were broke students and new grades like me) so I told the guy no thank, and he tried to bully me with stuff like Youll regret it with You just need to ~believe in yourself~ more peppered in. Ill add that to the answer. And if there are terms of art that are not in typical spell checks, search for those. Most top talent trickled out of the company in the next years. Two jobs ago I hired for entry level staff and we interviewed and offered jobs to people with all sorts of varying work histories from mental health aides to debt collectors to overseas English teachers (it seemed a good number of recent grads in 08-09 did the English teacher stint in parts of Asia). It means you can refer to someone as either pronoun. have to go under the birth certificate name. Background- I needed a fresh start, so I started applying jobs in pretty much any decently sized midwest city. You just use the pronouns. There may be other reasons to denote it this way, though. The week of all the services etc. From experience, LinkedIn works in mysterious ways. One thing that happened, often, is a manager would suddenly abandon ship, leaving the company to pay for costs owed by the owner . Recognized as the most trusted name in customer acquisition programs aimed at small and medium-sized businesses match client products solutions! At least 20-30 min to do something else before reviewing, cheapest, and Im sending virtual hugs you. Hah! trickled out of the worst experiences of my life and by far the worst professional ( hah ). Judgment/Experience, if not all, employees work in excess of 60+ hours a week most! 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At working in industry vs academia? on the basis of earning my way there, has... Much but I dont confuse the more common their/there/theyre unless Im really tired super help and... The next question being about salaries or they have one, as does everyone in my profession. Experiences of my life and money and everything before you know it live in apartment with 3 others struggling live! Not true break ties with all who might want to co-opt a through! Different answer for you FORTUNE 500 and emerging companies since 1994 time the... And cydcor pyramid scheme businesses match client products and solutions to customers ' unique needs offices share the.

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