strengths and weaknesses of change4life

(Kanigher, 2010), The sexual health campaign is in place to inform people to have safe sex to prevent sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. The following are common business strengths. (Channel 4, 2011), Critics have said that this in a way is putting profit before care and that the services will end up closing down as they will not be financially viable even when they are need by the public. The campaigns overall do give out a positive message to the public but now need to improve on how they are going to lower the rates of the health risks mainly in those who are living in poverty. In designing it, the Department of Health and its agencies drew on academic and commercial sector expertise, behaviour change theory and evidence from other successful behaviour change campaigns, and commissioned a substantial and ongoing programme of research among the target audiences. Our history. Ability to deliver to customer commitments. Change4life is a society-wide movement that has the aims to prevent people from becoming overweight by encouraging them to eat better and move more. We can not succeed alone. third, the change4life programme assumes that 'eating better' can reduce the risk for disease and death despite the fact that there is almost a complete absence of evidence from randomised. (Pharmaletter, 2010), Some advantages of the proposal have been put forward such as that the white paper shows a move towards greater doctor and patient influence over clinical decisions. It focuses on the traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,. The programme also set out to recruit local supporters someone from the community whose job it is to promote healthy lifestyles, or an individual who has influence with the target audience (such as a member of a community-minded voluntary group, club or registered charity). This free app is part of the NHS' Change4Life campaign, you may have seen their adverts on the tele. Over 2.5 million Snack Swappers were distributed to the public, supplies were exhausted and Snack Swappers gained their own online following through blogs, Facebook and Twitter posts. Shaun Bowen of B&B Studio had this to say: The advertising campaign for Change4Life uses shock tactics to focus our attention on the hidden nasties in our favourite foods. But do campaigns like these really work? The programme has produced targeted interventions and materials for pregnant women and parents of children under the age of two (under the Start4Life sister brand, which launched to the public in January 2010), for ethnic minority communities (a bespoke campaign launched in late 2009) and for middle-aged adults (a campaign targeting 45- to 65-year-olds launched in February 2010). But for this agenda to work there has to be support from the coalition government. How much has Change4Life cost since it began in 2009? You're willing to work with others, socializing and sharing and creating a climate conducive to team-work. (Politics, 2011), The factors that are behind the poor sexual health of Britain have been debated and there is no single suggestion. Answer example: I would definitely choose the ability to build a rapport and work as part of a team as one of my strengths. . In a survey published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), Two-thirds of the British public say it is important that genetically modified ingredients are labelled on food. Evaluation. Whilst the dairy swaps are questionable, other key foods that are well recognised to be a problem have been missed. How you respond gives them a hint of your communication skills. (Bawden, 2010), It has been stated that the pregnancy rates will rise unless the government takes renewed action. Creativity. HealtHy weigHt, HealtHy lives: a toolkit for developing local strategies Written by Dr Kerry Swanton Consultant editor: Professor alan maryon-Davis FFPH FRCP FFSEM Edited by Wordworks Produced by the national Heart forum in association with the faculty of Public Health, the Department of Health, the Department for Children, Schools and families and . Rather than a trend (which somehow suggests it might be short lived) I see this as more of a cultural evolution or on-going long-term change., By Mahir Prasad The under-18 conception rate has been at the lowest for over twenty years, on the other hand experts have said that the target to halve the teenage pregnancy rate will be missed. There is no political agenda as is often the case with government aid, and thus aid is not 'tied aid' - it . Strengths and weaknesses play a major part in determining who we are as employees and as leaders. 3.) (BBC, 2010), In November 2009 a national campaign called sex worth talking about was launched by the Department of Health who had the aim to help young people to become better informed about their sexual health, how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and access treatment for STIs. Helps You Know Yourself Better. (Laurence, 2008), However it has been stated that the ban on smoking in public has failed to increase the number of people quitting. This will go through what might improve in the NHS due to changes and what will not improve. Make sure to include a range of strengths, including knowledge-based skills, transferable skills, soft skills and personal traits to demonstrate your versatility. Content on does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. (Department of health, (b) 2010). Already, around one-third of children and two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese. This is surprising as whilst butter contains natural fats, many low fat spreads, such as margarine, are known to contain trans fats, which can be a danger to health if consumed regularly. Some experts though believe that shocking the consumer isnt the most effective way forward. Assessing the needs and preferences of customers Assessing outcomes Creative thinking Designing innovative products Efficiency Good judgment Innovation Logical thinking Open minded Solution oriented Solving complex problems Statistical analysis Communication Written and oral communication skills are critical for almost any job. It has also stated that the GPs will now have control over the NHS budget and the changes will take place 2013. (Everett, 2009), They have stated that they were behind in their target which was to halve the under 18 conception rate by 2010 and also another aim which they need to do is to lower the rates of abortion and repeat abortion as they remain high in people under the age of 25. The complaint was that they are not promoting a healthy lifestyle; they may be telling them not to smoke but instead are promoting drinking and sex. Some of the advantages of Facebook business pages include: Brand awareness: Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths: Communication skills (verbal and written, listening and understanding) organizational skills (planning, organizing resources and time-management) diligence (hard-working, responsible and reliable) Areas of improvement: impatience (expects good results and gets frustrated with slower performers) If you fail to respond to the queries and doubts posted by your target audience, then your customers will feel ignored. But if I want a cigarette, I will go and get one regardless.. (It's easy to take an online course and get better at a program.) One top weakness for managers is poor communication. He has stated that the evidence that has been found that their campaign can have a positive effect for short term but it cannot be used for long term and so something needs to be done to prove that the campaign is not a waste of money and time. Firstly, there is a common misconception that foods can be categorised into "bad" and "good" foods, with "bad" foods including crisps, cakes, chocolate etc., and "good" foods including vegetables, yoghurts, nuts etc. Change4Life exceeded all of its first year targets, including: The prevalence of obesity in the UK has trebled since the 1980s. Strengths & Weaknesses Debater Strengths. When you spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you get to know your true self better. strength in children without causing adverse effects on growth or maturation [14]. The cost of the programme is 1.4 billion, most of this will come over the next two years as more than 20,000 people from management and the staff from administration are being made redundant from the health authorities, primary care trusts and the Department of Health. List of Strengths. The word obesity was avoided, since evidence suggests that focusing on positive messages about healthy lifestyles, rather than directly on weight or obesity, is more likely to create effective behaviour change. Due to differing cultural drivers, the six ethnic minority communities surveyed did not fit neatly into the mainstream segmentation. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity . E.g. In a study conducted by Professor Nick Finer of the Royal College of Physicians showed that in France similar measures led a drop of 2.6% in overweight children from 2000 to 2007. Step 5: Now, move to the weaknesses part. Anti-smoking campaigns uses advertising to put out their word to stop people smoking, a lot of different advertisements have been used which are directed to smokers. Derecho-y-Blockchain strengths and weaknesses of change4life The research sought to develop a rounded picture of the role food and activity currently play in family life, the attitudes driving behaviour relating to diet and activity, and which families exhibit behaviours and attitudes that could put their children at risk of obesity. Maria Koutroumpa, who is a 26-year-old market researcher, explained: Initiatives like these have been ever present in products such as cigarettes. The first supported Me Size Meals, the second 60 Active Minutes and the third Snack Check and Sugar Swaps. The changes will be getting rid of the targets that say that operations are performed within 18 weeks and also seeing your doctor within 48 hours. According to the new changes the government is planning to close 151 primary care trusts and have them replaced by GPs, the question that has been put forward by this proposal is that how much money is going to be spent on administration rather than health care? (Watts, 2009), There is not enough evidence to say that social marketing is effective than other methods of improving health, but it seems that the government which is pursuing Change4Life have abandoned pursuing the steps that need to be taken to tackle obesity and focusing on how best to advertise the campaign. Ability to recruit top talent. Better self-awareness helps you build boundaries. The campaign would launch with advertising explaining the link between weight gain and illness and reduced life expectancy, positioning this as an issue that could affect the majority of families in the future. Biology. Ability to lead industry change. Firstly, you need to remember that we all . Launched in January 2009, Change4Life focuses on prevention and aims to change the behaviours and circumstances that lead to weight gain, rather than being a weight-loss programme for the already obese. Listening, Observing. Foods have different levels of nutrients but no food is intrinsically bad for you. Not only will the SWOT analysis provide the company or business with a salient direction, but it will also allow the said company or business the ability to see and evaluate . 13. THanks :) savanna rice am 6. Less paid for by government, more backed by business. In response to the rise in obesity, the Government set out its ambition that, in future, all individuals will be able to maintain a healthy weight. When asked if warning labels on products affect their decision in purchasing them, majority of them said no. Change4Life is Englands first ever national social marketing campaign to reduce obesity. Obesity is a serious concern for the United Kingdom, with as much as two-thirds of men and almost as many women now being overweight, according to an NHS report. . The strengths and weaknesses of any leader can make a big difference in how a person leads and learning how to strengthen leadership weaknesses can make them more effective. Strengths are often identified as part of strategic planning, swot analysis and competitive analysis. Fundamentally a prevention strategy, it sets out to change the behaviours and circumstances that lead to weight gain, rather than a weight-loss programme for the already obese. Competitive, Disorganized, Limited experience in a nonessential skill, Not skilled at delegating tasks, Not skilled at . Population health monitoring: Is a well-recognized function of public health. Change4Life is a health awareness campaign that focuses on the daily changes that most people in the UK can make to improve their health in the short and long term. Within these three marketing objectives there are six strands of activities which are for prevention-knowledge and education and communication and negotiation skills. Employees, especially those who believe young people are unteachable, also value these qualities. Campaigns can give consumers pause for thought, but at the supermarket shelf decisions are made with the heart as much as the head, so engaging, accessible branding is a must-have for the better for you brand.. Last financial year and next financial year? 'Five-a-day' is perhaps the best known of all the government's health messages and, as such, it can be seen as one of the most successful. Focusing on your strengths allows you to use those skills to perform at a high level. (Minkler, 2009), Another criticism is that the personal health responsibility agenda is that the government will move the blame from themselves to the individual. To conclude the NHS document has gone through what the changes are going to take place in the NHS and what this will cause. The campaign talks about fat in the body rather that fat bodies and makes the link clear between fat and preventable illnesses. Since then the movement has grown and is now targeting parents of 1-4 year olds (Early Years) and new parents with babies (Start4Life). Change4Life is the British Government's flagship brand focused on tackling childhood obesity. (Politics, 2011), The British Medical Association (BMA) warned of a sexual health crisis in Britain and called on the government to reduce rates of STIs. Open Mindedness. There may also be a few short/long term side effects to some vaccinations. The theory of reasoned action (TRA; Ajzen and Fishbein 1980) developed out of social-psychological research on attitudes and the attitude-behavior relationship. It also revealed that it was significantly more cost-effective to recruit people into the programme via peers and by using public sector institutions, such as schools, than via mass media advertising or on-street promotions. Since there was no universally accepted model for behaviour change with regard to obesity and since this was the first time any government had implemented a programme of this nature, scale and ambition, the team derived a set of assumptions from existing literature on behaviour change for diet and activity, which it used to drive its marketing campaign. But making unhealthy foods look bad is easy the vital task is making healthy foods look desirable and delicious, and thats where the packaging industry comes in., He continues by saying, At B&B, weve been lucky enough to work with a large proportion of healthy, natural brands, and its our business to make them more appealing to consumers than the bad for you alternatives. However, it is what is needed as it could change behaviour. This will ensure that England has a healthier environment so that everyone can socialise, relax, travel and shop free from second hand smoke. It will then go through whether enough is being done to promote healthy lifestyles. Communication skills. Even professionals who work independently can benefit from the ability to work well as part of a team. (Pharmaletter, 2010), An important aspect of the proposal is that the health care providers will be paid according their performance, reflecting outcomes as well as activity and progress on outcomes will be supported by quality standards which are developed by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). It will also help you to show the recruiter how well you've researched for the particular job role and company. This equates to over one million mothers claiming to have made changes in response to the campaign, The number of mothers claiming their children do all 8 behaviours increased from 16 per cent at the baseline to 20 per cent by quarter 4, The proportion of families having adopted at least four of the behaviours has increased, suggesting the campaign has persuaded people with much less healthy lifestyles to make an effort to improve their health, Basket analysis found differences in the purchasing behaviour of 10,000 families who were most engaged with Change4Life relative to a control group. No man is an island and in today's world, ever before, a person relies on a team . Delegating. Private firms will now be able to bid for contracts for anything from standard check-ups to complex surgery. Strengths are the tasks you do easily and well. 2. The first phase of the campaign was focused on contraception and the choices available. Mental strength - like embracing uncertainty, persisting through challenges, and bouncing back from setbacks. Low confidence. The following are examples of strengths at work: Hard skills. In January 2009, Change4Life was launched officially to the public with television and print advertising, an information line and a campaign website. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. Being detail oriented. There are now penalties and fines for those who do not abide by the law, some of these fines are as follows: if someone is caught smoking in smoke free premises or in work vehicles will have a fixed penalty of 50 or a maximum of 200 if they are convicted by court. Going forward, therefore, the team plan to focus more on government channels and de-prioritise paid-for distribution channels, making the campaign more cost-effective. 2003 - 2022 - the global diabetes community. 5. My strengths : wise, math-minded, curious, motivated, learning, open-minded, trustworthy My weaknesses : LAZY, IMPULSIVE, EASILY DISTRACTED, PROCRASTINATOR, IRRESPONSIBLE, SLOPPY, RECKLESS, DISORDERLY, WASTEFUL, NAIVE, STUBBORN, GREEDY, SLOW, VAGUE, IMPATIENT SOMETIMES. At the stakeholder launch, seven commercial organisations had signed the Change4life terms of engagement and made pledges to support the campaign. A lack of resources for sexual health services have been blamed for the rates of infection. In the examples below, you'll see the weakness followed by context: Personality Traits Example 1: ' I can be too critical of myself. Hiring. All work is written to order. Accurate forecasting. Advantages. Leadership skills. Rather than taking a top-down approach, the campaign set out to use marketing as a catalyst for a broader societal movement in which everyone who had an interest in preventing obesity could play a part. The most significant step in transforming from a weakness-focused mindset to a strength-based approach involves two things. The campaign aims to motivate a societal movement in which anyone who has an interest in preventing obesity, they can be businesses, healthcare professionals, charities, schools or families can play their part. Change4Life provides educational and motivational messages to help people in the UK reduce their chances of developing common health conditions including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Get to know your true self better focusing on your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities threats. Effects on growth or maturation [ 14 ] movement that has the aims to prevent people from overweight! Commercial organisations had signed the change4life terms of engagement and made pledges to support the campaign about. The change4life terms of engagement and made pledges to support the campaign was on. 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strengths and weaknesses of change4life

    strengths and weaknesses of change4life